ThinkPad 860 Saga – Part 1

(note this is a guest post from Tenox)

Not long ago I have managed to purchase a working ThinkPad 850. This was no small achievement because in last 15 years I only scored 2 dead ones, for parts. As luck strikes twice, merely a week after 850 I’ve acquired the ultra uber and ultimate laptop of all – RS/6000 Notebook 860. Err what?


Technically 860 is a ThinkPad. However it was marketed for the business / RISC users, as a laptopized  RS/6000 to run AIX, instead of oddball an ThinkPad with weirdo CPU that couldn’t even run Microsoft Office which was 850. In fact both the sales manual and product brochure do not even mention Windows NT or OS/2 at all. Smart move, but too little too late.

What are the differences? Most importantly compared to it’s younger brothers the laptop has a whooping 12″ display and massive resolution of 1024×768. This is actually not bad even in today’s standards, compared to my MacBook Air 11″. Having 860 and 850 aside the difference is massive.


Secondly the CPU is much faster running at 166 MHz vs 100 MHz for TP850. While 66 MHz in today’s standards is nothing, the actual difference is more than 50%.

That’s the good side. But there is the bad and ugly.

The laptop arrived with a rather nasty looking memory error:


I’ve tracked down the error in a support document, it translates to “Memory Error. Run memory tests”. So I did and memory passed just fine. What is going on?


So I’ve decided to ignore and try to install an OS. So happen I did have a handy Windows NT 4.0 CD and ARC floppy disk. I’ve went and installed ARC, but Windows NT wouldn’t boot and it was freezing during driver load. Nothing would help.

I have spent days trying to fix the problem. Tried replacing memory cards, running diagnostics, everything else. Because lower 32MB RAM is soldered on the motherboard I was just about to order a replacement one.

Then by a coincidence I’ve found this FAQ question … “ThinkPad 860 prompts for HAL diskette”, wait what? The answer has it – “860 support was planned for NT 4.0 PowerPC edition which never shipped. There is an unsupported HAL disk image here…”

Once HAL disk was loaded to Windows installer the system booted correctly. Note that the HAL disk also contains a video driver for the GT20 graphics card which is S3 M65 (86CM65):


It also turns out that once the hard disk was formatted and Windows NT was installed the memory error went away! Completely. I haven’t seen it since. I’m thinking it wasn’t a memory error but rather corrupted boot record or partition table.

Anyway here it is Windows NT 4.0 PowerPC:


I’m not going to go through Windows setup or ARC screens as they are covered elsewhere.

So the next step was to get the beast on to the net. Not an easy task to find a suitable NIC nowadays! Fortunately Windows NT CD has a HCL.HLP – Hardware Compatibility List. Browsing the help file I was able to filter out a handful of PCMCIA network cards with PowerPC support:

  • 3Com 3C589 Etherlink III PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter
  • 3Com 3C589C Etherlink III PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter
  • IBM PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter II
  • National Semiconductor InfoMover NE4100 PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter
  • NoteWorthy Ethernet PCMCIA Adapter II
  • Socket Communications Socket EA PCMCIA

The last two are actually NE2000 compatible and use a common NE2K driver. Remembering some issues with the card I decided to go for a 3C859C from ebay instead. Later on I’ve found that the only supported PCMCIA LAN cards under AIX 4.1 are, surprise – IBM PCMCIA Ethernet Adapters. So I’ve got one of them on ebay as well.


The 3Com card worked flawlessly out of the box. Showed up in the PCMCIA control panel, driver installed automatically and I’ve got in on DHCP.

From there it was rather easy. First thing one needs is latest service pack and hotfixes. Unzip and wsftp32 also come handy. And then there is the text editor!

Finding a working web browser was a challenge again. The default IE1 wouldn’t even support HTTP/1.1. Mosaic is not much better. Fortunately Internet Explorer 3.01 saved the day!


Apart from that there is almost zero software available for download for Windows NT PowerPC. The only larger utility collection is Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit which surprisingly has full support for PPC. There are also Dependency Walker, Psychedelic Screensaver, Winimage, PkZip, etc. If you have more software please send! I’m also porting some more.

On the hardware side interestingly Cygnus Supply has a very large stock of replacement parts for these laptops. If you have a broken one you can try your luck there. You could probably assemble a full laptop from the parts. Don’t be put of by “request a quote”. I used them many times before and they usually come up with reasonable prices for the parts. Make sure to have an exact IBM P/N. Also you can buy a “brand new” replacement battery. For failing hard drives a 2.5″ SCSI disk may be a problem. You can by a CF card adapter here.

Last but not least I’ve collected some links to sites with TP 8×0 stuff:

In the next part I will cover MSVC, SDK, DDK and some porting efforts I’ve been doing…


  • Ronald Gaudet sent me some useful software like Putty, Vim, Emacs!
  • Working to compile some more like Lynx, VNC, maybe even early Mozilla
  • The hard disk started giving up. I have ordered CF Powermonster II 2.5″ SCSI to CF converter!
  • Few high res screenshots made with IP KVM:

splashSplash screen…

easysetupEasy Setup…

firmwareSecret Firmware Prompt…

QNX 2.21 Arrived Today

(note this is a guest post from Tenox)

So that QNX 2.21 from the previously established purchase fund has arrived today. As an added bonus, I expected 4 x 5.25″ disks, but the media turned to be a single 3.5″ floppy disk. So it’s better suitable for more modern 286 machines and emulators.

qnx221 floppy

I have imaged the floppy to a raw disk dump and booted in VMware Workstation for verification.

qnx 2.21 on vmware

The floppy disk image was sent to those who contributed in the previous post.
Manuals are always available here.

Update: the floppy disk image is here…

QNX 2.21 Purchase Fund

(note this is a guest post from Tenox)

So QNX 2.21 popped up on eBay. I’m organizing a collection so that everyone interested in getting a copy can chip in. I have previously covered QNX 2.1 that I purchased on my own and was getting a lot of requests for the install disk images. So this time instead of pissing people off I decided to let everyone participate! 🙂

Please comment with the amount you can chip in and once say 1/2 will be covered I will purchase it.

I have purchased the item for $500 via best offer. This is much more reasonable. Of course still looking for people to chip in for the purchase.

Please send your contributions to: [email protected] selecting for “friends and family” instead of goods or services. Thanks.

Recent Aclock Ports…


So here are the newest additions to Aclock binary family. In order of appearance:

#187 – Motorola MVME m68k – OpenBSD by Plamen


#188 – AT&T Hobbit – BeOS by Bear
#189 – PowerPc BeBox – BeOS 1.1d6 PEF binary by Bear


#190 – Apple II GEOS by Peter Godwin



#191 – Commodore C64/128 GEOS by Peter Godwin



#192 – AT&T UnixPC aka 3B1 / 7300 by Bear



#193 – Power Mac – MachTen by Peter Godwin



#194 – i386 Univel UnixWare 1.0 by Michal Necasek



#195 – HP9000 300 Series M68K – HP-UX 9.x by Bear



#196 – DECstation 5000 – MIPS OSF/1 by mrRadio

Thanks a lot for your contributions!!!!

There are also a few new screenshots from previously available platforms:




SGI Indy with original LCD panel. The case is black because it’s Tandem / NonStop branded machine.




DG AViiON with Intel running x86 DG-UX

ThinkPad 850…

(note this is a guest post from Tenox)

So after around 15 years of searching and going through 3 or 4 dead units I finally laid my hands on a working system! For those who don’t know, ThinkPad 850 is not an ordinary laptop because it rocks PowerPC!


It means that apart from AIX, I will be able to run such cool operating systems like OS/2 PowerPC, Solaris PPC or Windows NT PPC.


The system is quite banged up, the keyboard has broken keys and the built-in cdrom doesn’t seem to work. The battery is of course dead. But the base system works just fine. Here is a screenshot of a top secret firmware prompt:


VMware PVSCSI under WinPE

(note this is a guest post from Tenox)

I needed to use Windows PE with paravirtualized SCSI driver under VMware. Most blog posts I came across mention the same very wrong thing: grab pvscsi driver folder from VMware Tools location and insert to WinPE .wim file using dism /add-driver. Wrong, on two levels!

First of all the mentioned folder C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\Drivers\ contains only one subfolder “hgfs” and does not contain pvscsi, vmxnet3 or mouse drivers. In order to find the required drivers you need to extract contents of the VMware Tools CD Image (windows.iso). Once you can grab setup.exe you need to extract it’s contents to a separate folder using a special switch. There is a KB article how to do it exactly.

Unfortunately above does not work either. Even with the pvscsi driver correctly inserted in to the .wim file, diskpart was still unable to see disks attached to PVSCSI controller. After some research I’ve found that one must have so called text-setup mode driver for it to work correct. For example if you are installing Dell PERC driver it will come with characteristic txtsetup.oem file.

Fortunately VMware distributes text-setup drivers on a floppy disk image formerly called vmscsi.flp. My VMware Workstation has a file called pvscsi_windows2008.flp under “C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\Resources” folder. Upon mounting the floppy image a correct pvscsi driver with txtsetup.oem showed up and I was able to copy and insert it to WinPE .wim file using dism /add-driver. Now I can see my paravirtualized hard disks.


I’m not going to go in to detail how to add these drivers to a .wim file as you can find it elsewhere on the web pretty easily.

Aclock needs your help

 (note this is a guest post from Tenox)

Lately I’ve been very busy with several projects and noticed Aclock was lacking love for quite a while. For those who don’t know Aclock is a tiny C application that a small number of trusted volunteers and myself have been compiling to run on as many computer platforms as possible. The number of unique binaries is approaching 200 but is still short by few. As summer time sets in, some more fortunate of you will get extra free time, so I’m calling for volunteers to help to bring the gap and possibly go beyond.

Additionally I see more people looking for some particular operating system or piece of software and unfortunately nothing new for me to trade for and the gap is ever growing. Here is a chance to trade your time for some otherwise unavailable pieces from my collection. 😉

Here is a list of most wanted builds:

Operating system are mostly available. For some I will supply the OS. For others you will know what to look for. Whats required is your time and determination.

Some house keeping rules. I’m looking for a large amount of platforms (CPU+OS combination) and not multiple versions of the same OS. Generally if you can compile for OS version 1 and this binary works through v2 and v3 I would prefer version 1. Only if the OS has changed dramatically between versions I would want to get a separate binary. Secondly I’m currently NOT looking to get aclock ported to language other than C. So if a particular operating system doesn’t have C comparator, I’m not interested.

If you decide to work on any of this please let me know ahead of time.

I’m always interested in more screenshots and pictures of aclock running on various terminals and windowing systems.

Sysadmin Key Ring

(Note: this is a guest post by Tenox)

I have accumulated a bunch of loose pen drives with different OS installers, imaging and rescue tools. I could never find them when I needed so I have decided to put an order to it. A System Administrator’s Key Ring was born!


This one is Windows centric, however doesn’t have Windows 8 and 2012 yet. I’m now working on Linux key ring with various distributions I use.

Note that I actually do have valid licenses for all the software.

If you want to make your own here is how to make it:

  • Windows media are easiest. Diskpart clean and create an active Fat32 partition. Extract DVD to the USB key.
  • Linux media similar but apart from diskpart and extracting media you need to use Syslinux to create the MBR.
  • For bootable floppies use DiskImager to write the image directly to pen drive.