So everyone is going nuts for free VMware Workstation

I haven’t had a moment to really look into it, but Mathew Duggan‘s take on the whole experience: The Worst Website In The Entire World pretty much sums it up the whole thing.

On the plus side this makes things like adding VMnetworks and configuring them all possible for lowly end user people like me, and makes stuff like SNA networking a bit more easier.

But what is the catch?

There is always a catch!

I have a feeling this is just like when Java became ‘free’. And then followed the audits and lawsuits. Most of this legal strong arming is all under NDAs so don’t expect to find much but ask anyone who’d used Oracle, and balked at some terms, and found themselves under a JDK download audit.

The free version is available for non-commercial, personal and home use. We also encourage students and non-profit organizations to benefit from this offering.

Commercial organizations require commercial licenses to use Workstation Player.

And there is the trap.

Download at home, and away from work.

You’ve been warned.

12 thoughts on “So everyone is going nuts for free VMware Workstation

  1. The page says it only run one virtual machine at time.
    If true, this means you can’t do anything complex at all, but being a VM player, indeed.

    • I guess I can’t run ESXi clusters under it either… well technically I probably can, but … legally?

      I don’t like where its going but the writing was on the wall with the sale.

    • That’s the limitation of Workstation Player, which is now discontinued. Workstation Pro doesn’t have these limits – you can run as many VMs as your host will let you.

      • This includes a version of vmware player with it, though I haven’t tried it. I’m running Workstation Pro (free version) and I’m running a vista and a server 2022 vm at the same time.

      • I have to run multiple instances of player. Which I’m almost fine with, it’s just annoying that closing a VM closes the player entirely, it’d be nice if it returned to the selection.

  2. The choices at this point seem to be IBM/Redhat (does most of the work on qemu), Oracle (Virtualbox), Broadcom (VMWare) and Microsoft (Hyper-v). Talk about depressing!

    Thank god for kissing cousin 86Box! (by ‘kissing cousin’ I’m referring to the fect it’s not a virtualizor, but an emulator)

  3. Since I always pushed for QEMU or Xen and was sad as nearly everyone else went VMware (The only true killer feature was the more flexible PCI Passthrough, since average users use what most other people they know already use), seeing Broadcom nuking VMware reputation is like a dream scenario for me. Lets see if they can get some marketshare boost out of this.

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