Dont fly here if you can avoid it. expect lots of lines, lots of waiting and finding out it was the wrong line, or you didn’t need to wait heree. its super disorganised . dont come here.
Dont fly here if you can avoid it. expect lots of lines, lots of waiting and finding out it was the wrong line, or you didn’t need to wait heree. its super disorganised . dont come here.
This is super cool, kgsws has managed to use some buffer overflows, and code injections to get DooM to load DooM, and display to a texture.
Watch the video for all the details!
You can download the source and assets from github
kgsws/doom-in-doom: Doom 2 code execution. With a Doom port. (github.com)
Shockingly no explosions, I was recapping stuff to notice that the PSU I’m using is sliced. Of course a 35 year old PSU runs better. I need some transistors, and maybe some diodes, but I don’t have good access to any at the moment. So weird how 80’s DRAM could need +12/+5/-5v to operate. Oh well.
Stiletto had dropped on by to share this amazing milestone!
Follow the twitter thread here!
For the longest time VOGONS was the place to get information about VDMsound the sound blaster emulator for NTVDM, allowing a far more rich gaming experience on NT, DOSBox, the ubiquitous PC/MS-DOS emulator that is simply everywhere, and of course where I was ‘discovered’ via ‘Quake1 with WATTCP built with DJGPP on DOSBox‘ some 10+ years ago!
So happy 20th to VOGONS!