Jack Tramiel passes.

Jack Tramiel, passed away this Sunday.  For those of you who don’t know about him, he founded Commodore, and made it his mission to bring computing to the masses not the classes.  Thanks to him we had the PET, VIC and of course the beloved Commodore 64.  When things went south for him, he jumped to ATARI, after snagging it on a firesale from Warner as Jack wasn’t a guy to get put down, and helped bring the ST to the market.

Jack survived the holocaust in Poland, and left for Canada and started Commodore, originally focused on office furniture, filing cabinets and typewriters, then breaking into electronics with calculators. His leveraging of vertical businesses allowed him to bring to market products with the exact specifications that he wished.  And sometimes with unintended consequences like the file cabinet people making the seemingly indestructible PET cases.

Even though Commodore & Atari computers are no more, he has left a major mark on anyone who wanted a computer in the 1980’s who couldn’t afford a machine that cost as much as a car.

Tramiel is survived by his wife Helen, sons Gary, Sam, and Leonard.

Facebook tracks users through the ‘like’ buttons…

ouch, apparently even if you logout, you’ll still be tracked by sites that have the ‘like’ button…

Well that just sounds creepy so I’ll remove them from my site.  I don’t think there was all that many people mentioning this blog on facebook outside of some brief ‘save officer spock‘ thing but at the same point I don’t want to participate in some larger big brother thing.

I just hope G+ doesn’t do anything like that (haha!)


Sometimes taking a binary and sending it through a text only medium (email) is a damned handy thing.  And sometimes you are dealing with old crap and being able to decode what you’ve just built would help a TONNE.

Luckily uudecode already exists.  So before I forget it, the link to a nice BSD version that’ll compile on any good UNIX and MS-DOS system is available here.

Another day in the cloud.

So my BBS thing is down… hard.  After asking the provider ….

It appears that one of the air conditioning facility at the data centre has ceased operation and so servers are struggling with the heat. Emergency work is already being carried out.

Such is life in the ‘cloud’.

It’s times like this it’d be nice if doubletake were cheap enough for us low end users.

I suppose there is rsync, but that’d take a little work with Qemu, or would it?

Looks like more outages ahead..

“We’re moving most of our servers from SVTIX[1] to Market Post Tower[2] this
weekend. we’ve got layer 2 between the two locations already, so we’ll
be bringing down servers in batches of five and moving them five at a shot.
each user should experience something like two hours of downtime, if all
goes well.”

Well at least luke is transparent on the whole thing so it looks like there will be more bumps ahead. But I do have a full backup so worst case I can bring this online elsewhere if this goes down.

If anything the blogger outage made me finally break down and get that squared away.

So I was looking in the UK for ACORN

and other old kit… I came up with nothing..

Does anyone know any stores, that sell ancient stuff, like megadrives, acorns, BBC micros etc?

There must be somewhere in the British Isles….

Also I’m wondering if I should check prices for Russia in the Summer, or Japan in the Winter……

I think I need a vacation from this vacation.

DOSBox 0.73

Well I’ve been playing with some old MS-DOS software, and putting stuff together for it, I’ve had some MAJOR issues with SDL, between mapping my keyboard incorrectly, to the video not refreshing correctly when it’s not in focus or if another window overlapped it.

It’s a shame as DOSBox is usually pretty cool, but on my x64 system it’d been flaking out with the most annoying being the \,/,{,} & arrow keys not working right. Well for the heck of it, I downloaded & built my own SDL.dll for Qemu, and overwrote the one that comes with DOSBox… And it works PERFECTLY…..

This has been a WAY better fix, then messing around with my HID, removing drivers on EVERY reboot.


I was thinking….

Just as there is HECNet for DECNET, there isn’t anything comperable for NetBIOS… would anyone even be interested in such a thing?

I would be trivial to modify the hecnet bridge program to transport netbios… And I’ve done SIMH, I suppose other emulators (qemu) could be modified to talk to a hecnet style bridge with netbios….

Anyone interested?