Building Linux 0.11 on Windows 10

No really, it compiles! on Windows!

No really, it compiles! on Windows!

So continuing with the fun from yesterday, where I had managed to get gcc 1.40 running on Windows with MinGW, it was time to try to take the final leap and build Linux.

There wasn’t too much to massage on Linux, mostly Makefiles for the various tool name differences, and how to handle keyboard.S as the default setup for NTFS is case insensitivity. While I did get some old version of as16 and ld16 to build, I’m not sure if they are working correctly. Or it could be the ‘build’ tool. The downside is that the final ‘Image’ file produced doesn’t work (I should add that all issues have since been fixed, and it is now possible to cross compile a running kernel from Windows, and boot it with Qemu).

But copying the ‘system’ file that is compiled on Windows, to a Linux VM, and having it do the boot setup does work!

And it boots!

And it boots!

Very cool to say the least!

I almost wonder if MSVC 1.0 could build any of this. Then it could be possible to bootstrap Linux from Windows NT 3.1 … Although Windows 10 is good enough for me, right now.

And I got the DJGPP 1.0 gcc driver to work (soft of)!

C:\aoutgcc\test>gcc -v hello.c -o hello -I ../include-0.12 -L../lib
gcc version 1.40
cpp -v -I ../include-0.12 -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dunix -Di386 -D__unix__ -D__i386__ hello.c C:/Users/neozeed/AppData/Local/Temp/cca0_388.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.40
cc1 C:/Users/neozeed/AppData/Local/Temp/cca0_388.cpp -quiet -dumpbase hello.c -version -o C:/Users/neozeed/AppData/Local/Temp/cca0_388.s
GNU C version 1.40 (80386, BSD syntax) compiled by GNU C version 5.1.0.
default target switches: -m80387
a386 -o hello.o C:/Users/neozeed/AppData/Local/Temp/cca0_388.s
ld -o hello c:/aoutgcc/lib/crt0.o -L../lib hello.o c:/aoutgcc/lib/gnulib -lc c:/aoutgcc/lib/gnulib

Sorry that doesn’t format so well on a blog. But now I only have to force the include path, and the lib directory. At this point I’d call it ‘good enough’

I uploaded the archive MinGW-aout-linux-011.7z. If you want to compile Linux, you’ll need a MSYS from MinGW. Otherwise, this is only interesting to people who run Windows and want to play with Linux 0.11. Â I also included the Linux VM, and binaries for the tools. It’s not even 7MB. How is that for crazy small?


I got it all working now that I found all the portions to set to output as O_BINARY/wb that are needed on a Win32 host, so using MinGW I can build the as86/ld86/binutils/gcc and Linux 0.11!

My updated post is here.

Also I put all the source onto git, along with binaries up on sourceforge. It’s worth mentioning that since I wrote this article, I have gotten quite a number of older versions of Linux to build, along with simple kernel debugging with GDB. Kernels include:

Download Ancient Linux on Windows

Download Ancient Linux on Windows

Craziest cross compile yet!

Windows 10 to target Linux 0.11!

It works!

It works!

Sadly that ancient line program only runs ELF binaries, so that won’t work to test.

As I mentioned gcc doesn’t work. I need to tear more into DJGPP
to see how they did it or just use it’s gcc driver to run this.

In the test directory I’ve mimic’d what a Linux 0.11 install does when compiling
a single file into an exe.

simply run:

c_ hello

and it’ll compile hello.c into hello.

C:\aoutgcc>..\bin\cpp -v -I../include-0.12 -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dunix -Di386 -Dlinux -D__unix__ -D__i386__ -D__linux__ hello.c C:\Users\neozeed\AppData\Local\Temp\001.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.40

C:\aoutgcc>..\bin\cc1 C:\Users\neozeed\AppData\Local\Temp\001.cpp -quiet -dumpbase hello.c -version -o C:\Users\neozeed\AppData\Local\Temp\001.s
GNU C version 1.40 (80386, BSD syntax) compiled by GNU C version 5.1.0.
default target switches: -m80387

C:\aoutgcc>..\bin\a386 -o hello.o C:\Users\neozeed\AppData\Local\Temp\001.s

C:\aoutgcc>..\bin\ld -o hello ../lib/crt0.o hello.o ../lib/libc.a

Wasn’t that fun?

The ‘best’ way I can think of to test is to tar the exe like this:

C:\aoutgcc>..\bin\tar.exe hello.tar hello

And then run it with the Linux 0.11 on Qemu which can be found here:

qemu -L pc-bios -hda linux-0.11-devel-060625.qcow2 -no-reboot -m 16 -k en-us -fda hello.tar

Then once Linux boots, do this:

tar -xvf /dev/fd0
chmod +x hello


For anyone who wants to play at home, here is the complete sources, and binaries.

I accidentally upgraded vpsland to Debian 8

So yeah, dealing with Apache 2.4 vs 2.2 was… fun.  The security Order stuff is obsolete so that was fun editing all the virtual hosts.

The key parts being:

In this example, all requests are denied.

2.2 configuration:

Order deny,allow
Deny from all

2.4 configuration:

Require all denied

In this example, all requests are allowed.

2.2 configuration:

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

2.4 configuration:

Require all granted

In the following example, all hosts in the domain are allowed access; all other hosts are denied access.

Boy was that fun!

Another bit of fallout was the hosts file.  I have spamd running and suddenly I was being bombarded with this message:

Jul 25 10:15:39 cheapvps spamc[683]: connect to spamd on ::1 failed, retrying (#1 of 3): Connection refused

Well it turns out after much digging around that Debian 8 is more IPv6 ready.  The hosts file from Debian 7 was something like this: localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback

And in 8, it changed to this:

fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters localhost.localdomain localhost
# Auto-generated hostname. Please do not remove this comment.
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback

Needless to say, having localhost point to ::1 made it dependant on all local daemons supporting IPv6, and spamd sadly is IPv4 only.  Luckily it’s a quick fix to remove localhost from ::1, which then let’s it work again with, and now it can connect over IPv4.

Well today (August 4th, 2015) there was a critical update to Apache.  And after updating I got this fine error:

# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

[….] Restarting apache2 (via systemctl): apache2.serviceJob for apache2.service failed. See ‘systemctl status apache2.service’ and ‘journalctl -xn’ for details.


Great.  So what does the error actually say?

# systemctl status apache2.service
* apache2.service – LSB: Apache2 web server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/apache2)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2015-08-04 13:52:13 HKT; 7s ago
Process: 6063 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/apache2 stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 6427 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/apache2 start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Apache2 web server…
apache2[6427]: Starting web server: apache2 failed!
apache2[6427]: The apache2 configtest failed. …….
apache2[6427]: Output of config test was:
apache2[6427]: apache2: Syntax error on line 250 …y
apache2[6427]: Action ‘configtest’ failed.
apache2[6427]: The Apache error log may have more….
systemd[1]: apache2.service: control process exi…=1
systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Apache2 web server.
systemd[1]: Unit apache2.service entered failed …e.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.


# apachectl configtest
apache2: Syntax error on line 250 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/alias.load: No such file or directory
Action ‘configtest’ failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.

So, normally you’d check under modules-enabled, and link in the missing bits, right? Yeah except there is no MPM modules. Not anymore.  And yes I removed and re-installed the apache2-mpm-prefork module, to no avail.  So after much digging around it looks like the transition to 2.4 finally broke everything irrecoverably.  So I backed up the /etc/apache2 directory than ran the follwing:

apt-get purge apache2

Which then removes all the apache2 stuff from the system.  Then to finish it off, run a quick

rm -rf /etc/apache2

You did back it up, right?

now put it back in..

apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5

Now to re-enable the virtual sites.  For some reason they need to be enabled with a2ensite.  Except they don’t tell you that your sites now need to end in .conf in the /etc/apache2/sites-available (you did back it up right?)

Also if you run perl (src2html) be sure to run:

a2enmod cgi
service apache2 restart

Not to mention the joys of updating perl, and the cvsweb breaking, and I’m sure far more to break.  Oh well, at least it’ll be up to date.  That’s what I get for mixing ‘stable’ with ‘old stable’, when the local mirror out in the UK I was using moved up to 8.

Installing Debian 7 in KVM via the CLI (text mode)

So with my new disk, and my server back online, I went ahead and re-installed my web server VM, and the newer install from the netcd is graphical of all things.


Debian’s graphical installer


If anyone cares, here is how I do this, the old cli way. I don’t like weird manager things, I’m capable of hitting flags myself:

kvm -m 640 -nographic -curses -hda blog.vmdk -cdrom /install/debian-7.8.0-i386-netinst.iso -boot d -vnc -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=52:54:00:11:11:23 -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap0,script=/etc/qemu-ifup

very simple, right?

So the ‘solution’ to this is quite simple hit escape a few times, and the screen will repaint, and you should get the grub boot prompt


The text mode grub loader

So simply type in:

install vga=normal fb=none

And hit enter, and you should now be good to go!

Debian text mode installer

Debian text mode installer

I guess I can go over some quick guide to setting up the tun/tap bridging.  This section is to be added to /etc/network/interfaces

iface br0 inet static
bridge_fd 9
bridge_hello 2
bridge_maxage 12
bridge_stp off
pre-up brctl addbr br0
post-down brctl delbr br0

And the qemu-ifup script:

# cat /etc/qemu-ifup

echo “Executing /etc/qemu-ifup”
echo “Bringing up $1 for bridged mode…”
sudo /sbin/ifconfig $1 promisc up
echo “Adding $1 to br0…”
sudo /sbin/brctl addif br0 $1
sleep 2

thats about it.  Debian 8, was just released, and I suspect all of this will have changed.

Hosting Minecraft as an experiment

In the latest gamer news, everyone is freaking out about Valve allowing mod developers charge.  It’s amazing how quickly it’s fragmented the community in what was at 2 days before a Valve/GabeN worshiping reddit. (here/here/here/here and a rebuttal)

In the middle of all of this I saw this comment in passing:

Remember how that made me leave Mojang?

Remember how that made me leave Mojang?

So yeah, I never followed the whole Minecraft community thing, but apparently people were hosting servers, then asking users to pay for using mods, and even for using basic items.  And since most people who love Minecraft out there are kids, they were paying with their parents credit cards all over the place for server time, and server mods and whatnot, the parents would find out, and them blame Mojang over the entire thing.  So they banned paying servers (at least from what I understood).

So out of curiosity, since I’ve only really played single player, I thought I’d see how hard it is to run a Minecraft server.

First, I’m going to create a Debian 7 VM on my ESXi server.  Nothing too fancy, I have an 8 core box with 8GB of ram, so I was thinking 2 vCPU’s and 384MB of ram, and a 4GB disk.  I mean it’s a simple game, how much can it need, right?

Turns out, it wants a LOT more.

So the install of the OS went pretty smooth, then I have to install Java, which is pretty simple:

apt-get install default-jdk

With that done, the next thing to do is download the server jar file from the download site, or for the purpose of my test, I’m using version 1.8.4.

When I went to run it however, I saw the recommended flags:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

Ouch.  Yes this thing does expect 1GB of ram.  Ok, so I have to RAM and CPU to spare, so I went ahead and gave it 2GB (since I installed the x86 version of Debian..) and 4 vCPUs.

The next thing for me to do was to set it up on the internet, since I’m not in the office.  I have a VM out on the internet, with an OpenVPN back to my ESXi box for my email.  So without trashing my nat I could get xinetd do the dirty work with this simple entry:

root@VPS:/etc/xinetd.d# cat minecraft 
service minecraft
    disable         = no
    type            = UNLISTED
    socket_type     = stream
    protocol        = tcp
    user            = nobody
    wait            = no
    redirect        = 25565
    port            = 25565

Then restart xinetd like this:

 /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Now with Minecraft running on my ESXi server, and my VPS now configured to forward traffic to the ESXi box over the OpenVPN connection I was all set to go!

And I was able to connect, and all was ‘good’.  But then checking the server…

htop on my Minecraft server

htop on my Minecraft server

545Mb of RAM!  And this is with one user!  And look @ the CPU.  Wow no kidding!

And then I noticed something else, the email performance went from OK to horrible.  I spent a lot of time playing with MTU’s receive and send buffers, and other ‘magic’ trying to get something working.  Since my ESXi server doesn’t have a direct internet connection (yuck) I’m in a shared office so it’s not only behind NAT, but I have a DLINK that I use behind their NAT.  And while the UDP protocol ‘works’, changing it to TCP gave me a 5x speed increase.

Very unexpected.

My own world..

My own world..

And not to forget, some helpful stuff for the server:

How do you shut down safely, from the console?


What is the best way to run the server?

Probably behind screen. I started it from /etc/rc.local like this:

/usr/bin/screen -dmS minecraft /usr/local/minecraft/ is simply:

cd /usr/local/minecraft/
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

How do I connect to the console?

screen -r minecraft

Remember in this case we gave the screen session a name so it’s easy to find.

How do I disconnect from the console


Why am I doing this?

I have no idea why. Honestly, I find crafting in a game kind of tedious, but setting up a VPN, server and whatnot is more fun to me.

How about network performance?  Since it’s just me, I thought I should look inside the tunnel for a minute and see how big the capture file is:

# tcpdump -s 1520 -w 1.cap -n -i tun0 port 25565 & sleep 60;kill %1

This will run tcpdump for a minute on the default minecraft port, then after 60 seconds end the capture.

# ls -alh *.cap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.6M Apr 26 16:00 1.cap

Wow that was bigger than I thought. No wonder Minecraft people are always crying about latency! That translates to 213,33 Kbps or 0.21 Mbps.

Can it be compressed?

# gzip 1.cap
# ls -alh *.cap.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 680K Apr 26 16:00 1.cap.gz

Which then translates into 91,11 Kbps or 0.09 Mbps. Why people don’t compress their network stuff is beyond me, but then again what do I know?

I guess the next step would be to combine this with stunnel, which not only can encrypt the traffic, but compress it as well.

Stupid error building binutils

So I’m starting a new VM, and after installing Debian, and the important packages, build-essential and the Linux headers…

#  apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)

I got this fine error trying to build binutils:

gcc -g -O2 -o sysinfo sysinfo.o syslex.o
syslex.o: In function `main’:
/usr/src/binutils-build/syslex.c:1: multiple definition of `main’
sysinfo.o:/usr/src/binutils-2.22-human68k/sysinfo.c:1: first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Turns out I didn’t have bison/flex installed.  Oops!

Oh well easy enough to solve.

#apt-get install bison flex

Otherwise, remember to build binutils/gcc in it’s own directory or that’ll cause other fun down the line.

Don’t forget you need GMP 4.2+, MPFR 2.3.1+ and MPC 0.8.0+ to build GCC…

#  apt-get install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev

Cross compiling to i386 Linux ELF from OS X

This isn’t terribly useful for 99.9% of the people out there but I needed to do something creative on an F5.  Luckily they run a somewhat sane version of Linux.

Unfortunately I am stuck on Windows 10 right now, so installing a matching Linux distro is out of the question.  So on my OS X box, I thought I’d just build a cross compiler.  Going back to my DJGPP cross compiler, I thought I’d stick with binutils 2.9.1 and gcc 2.95.3, since they worked so well before.

Plus to flesh it out, you’ll want libc, libg++, and the appropriate Linux includes.  I took all of these from Slackware 3.3 since it’s from around that era.

So on the plus side this cross compiler + library set , will crank out static ELF executables, which makes running things on alien platforms all the better.

On the realistic side, I doubt anyone will need it, but here it is.

Clang didn’t want to build anything this old, but luckily that backported GCC-4.2 has no issues.

Slackware 14.1 is released!

A good friend mentioned that Slackware 14.1 was just released.

So I thought I’d take this time to instead install SLS 0.98-1 on Qemu.

Now this was the first version of Linux that I actually started to use.  The 0.11 stuff was really a pain to install Minix then copy over enough linux to get it working.  Instead SLS gave us a more usable distro to be installed on a machine with nothing.  And thanks to locating a download set was trivial.

Back in late 1992 I downloaded the zip files from CCUG at a blistering 2400 baud.  I remember it took a week to get the A, B and C series.  And I had to get a new box of 5 1/4″ High Density diskettes for the install (and another two for my MS-DOS / Windows 3.1 backup).

And just as back then, these zip files are missing files.  INSTALL.END is missing from the A & B sets, which confuses the installer.  The kernel source is linked to /usr1 which by default doesn’t exist and will cause that part to fail unless you use a virtual terminal (alt+f2) to remove /root/usr/src/linux so the installer will create the path itself after the installation of the A set.

SLS 0.98-1

SLS 0.98-1

Once it’s installed, it is pretty bare.  vi, more, less, grep, and make are not in the install set, so it’s kind of difficult to move around.  Emacs is there if you want it.  As ultra primitive as this set is, it does install on an empty machine, which for the time was a big accomplishment.

One cool feature of this installset is that you aren’t tied to Minix’s filesystem, but you can use the new and exciting extfs, or Extended File system.

While the default kernel doesn’t see my emulated ne2000, as at this point the only supported NIC is the Western Digital 8003.



As mentioned in we.c it was heavily based on the 386bsd code, although Linux used it’s own TCP/IP implementation, and not importing the Net/1 code.

I would imagine there are patches out there that’ll  no doubt add in NE2000 support.

Also included was a very primative dosemu version 0.3, that can sort of run some MS-DOS programs.

dosemu on linux


More complicated stuff like Qbasic will crash it out.  Although with a bit of work I did get MS-DOS 5 to boot from it’s “virtual hard disk”.  It really is more so amazing it works as well as it does at this point.

For anyone feeling crazy, here is my installed disk image, and here is the ‘fixed’ install diskettes.

Now this reminds me of “turning the engine off and then back on again at 55 mph.”

the v86-64 patch, Allows you to enter v86 mode from long mode on a 64bit linux kernel.

Basically it works just like an old school DOS Extender, where it’ll switch from long mode, to 32bit compatible mode, then enter v86 mode run some code, then re-enter 32bit mode, to jump back into 64bit long mode.

From an old mailing list:

This 64-bit DOSEMU compile runs substantially slower than the 32-bit compile
that I used previously on this computer.  I have several rather large
PowerBASIC/DOS programs that are, in fact, the main reason why I use DOSEMU.

Up until a couple of days ago, I had Fedora 7/i386 on this computer.  I just
happen to still have the numbers when compiling one of those programs with

With F7/i386:  1686600 lines per minute -- total time to compile the program:
0.2 seconds

With F8/x86_64:  230400 lines per minute -- total time to compile the program:
1.6 seconds.

The F8/x86_64 DOSEMU is running approximately 13 times slower.

Which I bet runs a bit faster than an old 386.

Alpha Linux on Qemu

I got sent a quick heads up about a post on firstwork systems, where the author details the steps needed to install, and boot up the installer, and then get the rest of it running.

Very cool stuff!

I pulled down debian-5010-alpha-netinst.iso, and extracted /boot/vmlinuz & /boot/initrd.gz .. Decompressed vmlinuz, and booted away!  For anyone who want’s it, my minimal install is here.  All things considered, it works well!

$ ./qemu-system-alpha -hda alpha.disk -kernel vmlinux -append ‘console=ttyS0’ -initrd initrd.gz -L pc-bios/ -nographic -net nic -net user -drive file=debian-5010-alpha-netinst.iso,if=ide,media=cdrom
PCI: 00:00:0 class 0300 id 1013:00b8
PCI: region 0: 10000000
PCI: region 1: 12000000
PCI: 00:01:0 class 0200 id 8086:100e
PCI: region 0: 12020000
PCI: region 1: 0000c000
PCI: 00:02:0 class 0101 id 1095:0646
PCI: region 0: 0000c040
PCI: region 1: 0000c048
PCI: region 3: 0000c04c
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[ 0.000000] Linux version 2.6.26-2-alpha-generic (Debian 2.6.26-29) ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.1.3 20080704 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.2-25)) #1 Sun Mar 4 21:08:03 UTC 2012
[ 0.000000] Booting GENERIC on Tsunami variation Clipper using machine vector Clipper from SRM
[ 0.000000] Major Options: MAGIC_SYSRQ
[ 0.000000] Command line: console=ttyS0
[ 0.000000] memcluster 0, usage 1, start 0, end 11
[ 0.000000] memcluster 1, usage 0, start 11, end 16384
[ 0.000000] freeing pages 11:2048
[ 0.000000] freeing pages 2987:16384
[ 0.000000] reserving pages 2987:2988
[ 0.000000] Initial ramdisk at: 0xfffffc0007b28000 (5076756 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 16272
[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0
[ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 9, 4096 bytes)
[ 0.000000] HWRPB cycle frequency bogus, and unable to estimate a proper value!
[ 0.000000] Using epoch = 2000
[ 0.000000] Turning on RTC interrupts.
[4194001.858529] Console: colour VGA+ 80×25
[4194001.860482] console [ttyS0] enabled
[4194001.865365] Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 131072 bytes)
[4194001.865365] Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 65536 bytes)
[4194001.871224] Memory: 117120k/131072k available (2162k kernel code, 13728k reserved, 3314k data, 304k init)
[4194001.899544] Security Framework initialized
[4194001.900521] Capability LSM initialized
[4194001.900521] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
[4194001.905404] Initializing cgroup subsys ns
[4194001.907357] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[4194001.907357] Initializing cgroup subsys devices
[4194001.918099] net_namespace: 1208 bytes
[4194001.920052] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[4194001.926888] EISA bus registered
[4194001.928841] pci: enabling save/restore of SRM state
[4194001.939583] Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay
[4194001.953255] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[4194001.964974] IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 8192 bytes)
[4194001.967904] TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 65536 bytes)
[4194001.967904] TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 32768 bytes)
[4194001.968880] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
[4194001.968880] TCP reno registered
[4194001.972787] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[4194001.975716] checking if image is initramfs… it is
[4194003.320442] Freeing initrd memory: 4957k freed
[4194003.323372] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1
[4194003.323372] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 8192 bytes)
[4194003.325325] msgmni has been set to 238
[4194003.327278] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 253)
[4194003.327278] io scheduler noop registered
[4194003.327278] io scheduler anticipatory registered
[4194003.329231] io scheduler deadline registered
[4194003.329231] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[4194003.330208] isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards…
[4194003.750129] isapnp: No Plug & Play device found
[4194003.767708] Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
[4194003.769661] serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
[4194003.782356] brd: module loaded
[4194003.784309] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[4194003.784309] serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
[4194003.787239] mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[4194003.792122] TCP cubic registered
[4194003.792122] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[4194003.793098] registered taskstats version 1
[4194003.793098] drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
[4194003.795051] Freeing unused kernel memory: 304k freed
[4194003.889778] input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /class/input/input0
[4194011.195438] Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver
[4194011.195438] ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
[4194011.204227] CMD646: IDE controller (0x1095:0x0646 rev 0x07) at PCI slot 0000:00:02.0
[4194011.204227] CMD646: UltraDMA capable
[4194011.205204] CMD646: 100% native mode on irq 28
[4194011.205204] CMD646: IDE port disabled
[4194011.206180] PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:02.0 to 64
[4194011.206180] ide0: BM-DMA at 0x8040-0x8047
[4194011.596805] hda: QEMU HARDDISK, ATA DISK drive
[4194012.325320] hdb: QEMU DVD-ROM, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
[4194012.378055] hda: UDMA/33 mode selected
[4194012.378055] hdb: UDMA/33 mode selected
[4194012.379031] ide0 at 0x8050-0x8057,0x8062 on irq 28
[4194012.554812] hda: max request size: 512KiB
[4194012.556766] hda: 4194304 sectors (2147 MB) w/256KiB Cache, CHS=4161/255/63
[4194012.558719] hda: cache flushes supported
[4194012.559695] hda: unknown partition table
[4194012.663211] hdb: ATAPI 4X DVD-ROM drive, 512kB Cache
[4194012.665164] Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
Starting system log daemon: syslogd, klogd.