The source code is here.
For those wondering, I have a win32 build of 1.4.0 but it is on a hard disk that I can’t use now as I’m currently living on a boat. Â Which has been fun, but the only catch is the cheap power supply is 220v and the boat is 110v. Â Plus I don’t have a monitor. Â I should be leaving for Japan in a few weeks, so I can get a new power supply and monitor there as I plan on spending two months.
I haven’t forgotten or moved on, I’m just still on my big vacation thing.
Hong Kong has really been great, I’ve met some fabulous people out here.  If I could get a job here I’d move here in 5 minutes (well I’d just find an apartment as I’m already here…) The place is awesome, I’d recommend anyone to check it out.  But I don’t speak Mandarin or Canto so that won’t be happening.  🙁
I’ll try to do a small best of photos out here, but sadly the weather hasn’t been cooperating too well, and pollution has been off the chart… but really its a great place! .. !
In other news, I’m sure you’ve all read about the internet archive having a massive collection of software.?  Really good news as so much old stuff, besides the shovel ware gets disappeared.
So yes, I’m still alive, just .. been somewhat unavailable.

The blue one!

pop open the hatch so my AC can dehumidify..

pic of the middle of the boat

cruising on the sampan

another pic of the boat

Fish Heads!