Old Unix tree’s

Well I was looking for a good way to see what changed between Net/2, 386BSD 0.0 and 386BSD 0.1 and it appears that nobody has a cvsweb of these early versions….

What is strange, is that cvsweb package for debian is lacking the actual cgi file.. So after going insane with cvsweb, I set one up.


I’ve never really setup a CVS repository before so this was my first shot…

rm -rf /var/lib/cvs
mkdir -p /var/lib/cvs
cvs -d /var/lib/cvs init
cd /var/www/unix.superglobalmegacorp.com/source/Net2
cvs -d /var/lib/cvs import -m “Net/2” Net2 CSRG Net2
cd /var/www/unix.superglobalmegacorp.com/source/386BSD-0.0
cvs -d /var/lib/cvs import -m “386BSD 0.0” Net2 BJolitz Jolix00
cd /var/www/unix.superglobalmegacorp.com/source/386BSD-0.1
cvs -d /var/lib/cvs import -m “386BSD 0.1” Net2 BJolitz Jolix01
cd /var/www/unix.superglobalmegacorp.com/source/NetBSD-0.8
cvs -d /var/lib/cvs import -m “NetBSD 0.8” Net2 NetBSD NetBSD08
cd /var/www/unix.superglobalmegacorp.com/source/NetBSD-0.9
cvs -d /var/lib/cvs import -m “NetBSD 0.9” Net2 NetBSD NetBSD09 

From what I saw the more the directories align, the better, so I moved all the i386 and other platform stuff into arch directories to better match NetBSD 0.9 …

I also setup src2html to browse various levels, it’s great for quickly finding things that may have moved… It’s here.

Now I just have to see about doing ‘forks’ in CVS and adding in the 4.4 lite stuff.

Speex demonstration

Since people wondered here is a quick demonstration of speex.

Here is an MP3 recorded at 96kbsec it’s 768KB in size, as a raw wav file:

Here it is in speex, at 54kb in size

And again in speex at 29kb in size

So while the ‘narrow’ file sounds ‘bad’ you can understand them, the ‘wide’ version sounds pretty good, and being a fraction of the size is a ‘good thing’ IMHO.

OpenVPN on OpenBSD 4.8

I just setup an OpenVPN connection for someone, and I ran into this error:

ksh: ./vars[29]: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/whichopensslcnf: not found

Yeah, weird, turns out you have to edit the vars file, and tell it the full path & name for the openssl.conf that it’s going to use… Oh well more of a tip down the road.

OK, I promise, I think I’m done with NetBSD 0.8

I found a bunch more issues, and weird stuff, so I’ve updated the downloads yet again…

The resurrection directory, is where I’ll keep what is current, I just hope the sourceforge stuff isn’t too screwed up.

Speaking of NetBSD I see that 5.1 has finally trickled into the mirrors, maybe it is time to build another SIMH installation guide, for the new version and upload it as a tape…..

NetBSD 0.8 built and booted!


There it is, all done, NetBSD 0.8!

While it still says 386 BSD all over the place, trust me, I’ve built it from the NetBSD 0.8 CVS (with lots of donations for missing parts from 386 BSD).

Anyone interested can download it from sourceforge.

And no I didn’t bother doing the f2c thing, so many files were lost to the great bitbucket this isn’t a 100% restoration but considering the state it was in a few days ago, this is as good as it gets.

NetBSD 0.8 kernel boots!

Well, ok it’s not 100% the NetBSD 0.8 kernel, as a good chunk of the files have been intentionally removed from CVS. However from the announcement, it does make it clear that NetBSD 0.8 is 386 BSD pl22 with some pre pl23 changes thrown in. Since patch level 22 is lost, however patch level 23 is still around, then it wasn’t to hard to install a 386 BSD system, patch it to level 23, then unpack the NetBSD 0.8 sources, and fill in the missing parts.

I guess this is the Jurassic Park of kernels?

386bsd-pl22 booted

Anyways, here is the 386 BSD pl 23 kernel booting up

And now..

NetBSD 0.8 booted

NetBSD 0.8 booted

As you can see there is some differences in the boot strings, but at the same time, because so many files were just pulled in from 386 BSD, and I’m still using a 386 BSD userland, it reports itself as 386BSD.

dmesg’s were so small back then, here is the whole thing from the kernel:

386BSD 0.1 (GENERICISA) #2: Sun Dec  5 13:30:14 PST 2010
 [email protected]:/usr/src/sys.386bsd/arch/compile/J
real mem  = 67104768
avail mem = 64663552
pc0 at 0x60-0x6f irq 1 on isa
pc0: color
wdc0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7 irq 14 on isa
wd0 at wdc0 slave 0
fdc0 at 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa
ne0 at 0x320 irq 10 on isa
 ethernet address 52:54:00:12:34:56
npx0 at 0xf0 irq 13 on isa

Oh well it was moderately interesting.

For the insane, the merged source is here. I’ll provide a snapshot of my build environment, under Qemu here.

VMWare Fusion updated to 3.1.2

Honestly I didn’t really go through the release notes

I think 386 BSD 0.0 may just need to be installed on an actual disk, as me trying to duplicate the settings of that connor disk doesn’t produce a bootable disk… I thought it was in the step that disklabel doesn’t supply the bootblocks, but even doing that manually got me nothing.

I mashed in Net/2 into NetBSD 0.8 to get something that is one file away from compiling, but it’s short about 50 references from linking….

I should try it again but not using Net/2 it’s probably too old.. but I’m afraid there was way more drift between 386 BSD pl24 and Net 0.8, and certainly in those files between Net 8 & Net 9.

At least we have a nearly complete Net 9 (it’s only i386, but that’s ok.).


I came across this 386 emulator, Aeon(updated to use archive.org, as it’s dead now). What is interesting is that it’s written in C#!

That’s right it’s all managed code…!

If you can run .net 4.0 you may want to check it out, it’s quite capable….

Doom on AeonYes it can run doom!

The DPMI is good enough to run doom, and quake! While slower then DosBOX, I’d still say it’s a contender, you can never have too many possibilities…