Platform SDK & DirectX for Visual C++ Express Edition 2005

Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition

So I’m back out, and on my limited machine (I did order something new, but on a group buying thing so it won’t be here for another SIX weeks… but then I’ll be on the road again so if I’m lucky 11 weeks……..) I’m using Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, which by default includes just enough to compile simple stdio CLI based stuff.  To do anything more complicated you need what is known as the ‘Platform SDK’.  And to match up for the time period I’m using the Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK Full Download. And of course various Direct X SDK’s too.

For my benefit (maybe yours too), here is

Instructions to integrate the Platform SDK are here, although I did set this to match the expected paths that were in my setup after installing service pack 1.  However I still had to manually do step 4:

Update the default.js file (found in %VSINSTALLDIR%\VC\VCWizards\AppWiz\Generic\Application\scripts\1033) and change the two lines that read:

LinkTool.AdditionalDependencies = “kernel32.lib $(NoInherit)”;


// LinkTool.AdditionalDependencies = “kernel32.lib $(NoInherit)”;

And I was all set to go.

To make life easier (for me) this is headers & libs for the platform SDK + Direct X 6 & 7, and only 18 megabytes, instead of hundreds to download platform_directx6_7.7z  This has the directories and whatnot where they were expected, although you’ll have to manually add in the Direct X include & library directories, if you want to do anything with Direct X.

From the Tools menu in Visual Studio, select Options. The Options dialog box appears.

From the Options dialog box, expand the Projects and Solutions node and select VC++ Directories. In that section, add the following paths to the appropriate subsection:

Visual Studio 2005 Express editions

I found myself in need for J# of all things for something with work.  J# is the MS answer to migrating Java code to .net.

Anyways it turns out I was able to find the web installer, but the link for generating a license code no longer exists.  However, the ISO’s never needed the code.  Except they aren’t available for download.

Or so I thought.

Turns out they are still there, but MS pulled the pages.

I figure it’ll help someone out there.

cintsys followup:

For Windows users you’ll actually need a different archive that includes Windows support. I’m using VisualC++ 2005 Express to build this out. You can find it @ . Don’t forget the servicepack 1 for Vista users.


unzip the bcpl zip to somewhere eg (c:\proj\bcpl)

run the visual studio 2005 command promptcd to your project directory

edit the vc9env.bat file: search and replace distribution with where you put your zip file (proj)Next remove all the vcvar lines (since we invoked a vc capable shell we dont need to worry here)


nmake -f MakefileVC
It’ll compiler the interpeter, then it’ll compile all the bcpl bits, and dump you into a shell. From here you can type in ‘logout’ and cd into the bcplprogs directory and play around.
For example

cd ..\bcplprogs\maze


then we’ll compile the maze program with:

bcpl maze.b to maze hdrs BCPLHDRS

finally we can run the maze program:


BCPL Cintcode System (25 Jan 2007)

0> bcpl maze.b to maze hdrs BCPLHDRS
BCPL (3 July 2007)

Code size = 1164 bytes

40> maze

… the program will print the maze, as it solves it…

screens will fly by.


From here you can play with the rest of the bcpl examples. You can exit the interpeter with either control C or logout. Currently there doesnt seem to be a cd command, so I just exit and move via the Vista command shell.

I hope this clears it up somewhat.

SIMH 3.71 released!

The ammount of systems that this package contains is simply amazing. It could probably take me a few months to properly review the whole thing, but to get started, I’m going to go with building from source code.

As it ships it’s really meant for UNIX type build enviroments with CLI tools. Now if you really want you can build it from the main site using MinGW (

I’ve built simh using Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express. You can download that here ( You’ll also need to install the Platform and integrate it with VC++. Instructions on how to do that can be found here ( ). If you are on Vista, be sure to install the service packs associated with the Express tools!

With that out of the way, simply download the project file from my site (, unzip it, and open simh-3.71.sln . I’ve included the runtime for WinPCAP, so this *should* build on your computer. Unless you want to really dive into the source, you can build the release target, and then build the entire solution. On my laptop this takes about 3-5 minutes. Remember that if you want to run your 2005 compiled EXE’s on another computer will need to install the associated runtime on that machine first.

You can download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Packagehere:

Once it’s completed, just open the release folder, and you’ll see all the emulated systems.

They are:

vax.exe vax780-network.exe

With the -network part to signify that they are capable of networking. You will need to have WinPCAP 4.0 installed on your computer to take advantage of it, however the host computer is unable to communicate with the emulated computer.

WinPCAP can be downloaded here: (