cintsys followup:

For Windows users you’ll actually need a different archive that includes Windows support. I’m using VisualC++ 2005 Express to build this out. You can find it @ . Don’t forget the servicepack 1 for Vista users.


unzip the bcpl zip to somewhere eg (c:\proj\bcpl)

run the visual studio 2005 command promptcd to your project directory

edit the vc9env.bat file: search and replace distribution with where you put your zip file (proj)Next remove all the vcvar lines (since we invoked a vc capable shell we dont need to worry here)


nmake -f MakefileVC
It’ll compiler the interpeter, then it’ll compile all the bcpl bits, and dump you into a shell. From here you can type in ‘logout’ and cd into the bcplprogs directory and play around.
For example

cd ..\bcplprogs\maze


then we’ll compile the maze program with:

bcpl maze.b to maze hdrs BCPLHDRS

finally we can run the maze program:


BCPL Cintcode System (25 Jan 2007)

0> bcpl maze.b to maze hdrs BCPLHDRS
BCPL (3 July 2007)

Code size = 1164 bytes

40> maze

… the program will print the maze, as it solves it…

screens will fly by.


From here you can play with the rest of the bcpl examples. You can exit the interpeter with either control C or logout. Currently there doesnt seem to be a cd command, so I just exit and move via the Vista command shell.

I hope this clears it up somewhat.

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