More ports… more tradewars…

more etc…

Some of the stuff is getting ironed out, it plays better for sure.

I had to start separating things out to make some older C compilers happy…

I still do not understand how ‘float’ types keep changing sizes between 16bit/32bit compilers…. Was there ever ANY consistent floating point types in C between 16/32bit? It really sucks to have binary data and find out you cannot ‘read’ it…..

Did people just force people to dump their data into ASCII, and reload it into 32bit formats, and tell everyone to ONLY use 32bit?

I know I’m like 15 years late to this party, as everyone is going through the win32 to win64 thing… Although I’m surprised Tradewars C’s win64 version runs happily with a win32 generated data file…….

Oh and ports in this version:

MS-DOS (realmode)
Win16 (QuickC for Windows’s QuickWin)
Win32 (Visual C++ 1.0’s CLI libc.lib exe… )
Win64 (Visual Studio 2008 cli)
Linux (x86 built with debian -static…..)
OS/2 (16 bit built with Microsoft C 6)

Although it supports multiple users, it’s still a single player game… I suppose it shouldn’t be too hard to constantly check the user record & sector record of where they are with stuff changing…..?

Anyways my work is here:

9/11/2001 pages…

Ok, it’s not virtual stuff… but I’m sure you’ve heard that wikileaks has a few hundred thousand pages…

These two stuck out to me:

2001-09-11 08:47:46 Arch [0901509] B ALPHA
Someone just told me there was an explosion at

The first plane went in at 8:46 AM

2001-09-11 09:04:03 Skytel [002386438] B ALPHA||HUGE explosion just rocked the World Trade Center….the second tower is now on fire.

The second plane hit at 9:03 AM

And this one is just plain eerie:

2001-09-11 09:02:31 Skytel [004696708] B ALPHA

Funny how us little people… knew so little.

And it’s funny how the NSA/CIA spies on us, but this offers a glimpse of the power they hold….

MS-DOS lan client for Virtual PC 2007

So while I was going through the motion of making my tradewars more… multi user friendly, I needed to test between all kinds of clients and a server…

Since I’m using MS-DOS, Windows 3.0 as my test bed (if it’ll run there, it’ll run anywhere!) I had MAJOR issues with the 3.0 lan client… But digging around on the NT 4.0 Server CD I tried the lanman.dos client.

Using the lan drivers from here:

It was a snap!

I’ve built an NT 4.0 domain controller with both NetBIOS & TCPIP protocols that way all my machines can map into it…

I wonder if there ever was a ms net requester for MacOS..?

Boring weekend…

Ok so I had a boring weekend…. And it’s spilled over to today.

I’m getting burnt out but what happened is I found out that Turbo Pascal 5.5 is now FREE!

Which I thought was VERY cool.. So after a while of googling around for neat & interesting Pascal stuff, I came across this BBS door game, called TradeWars, that included the source!

While going through the source it seemed it could be easily ported to C so I started late Friday (or was it Saturday AM?)…

Anyways I’d feel safe with a tentative ‘public’ release of the source..

My C is based on the Pascal, which is in turn based on the BASIC code.. I’ve tried to keep it true to the pascal so there is a LOT of 2 letter variables, and a lot of WTF’s? BUT I did add comments as I was going through it.

It *SHOULD* be somewhat portable C, and I haven’t included binaries just yet… It’s still a work in progress, but I wanted to let out a WIP thing…

You can find the project here:

Oh and a screenshot:

Trade Wars C 0.7 on Windows 3.0

Trade Wars C 0.7 on Windows 3.0

It builds on both 16bit & 32bit machines… Once I get it far more fleshed out & running then I’ll sanitize the data as for now it’s using the same data & message files…

OS/2 1.3 on a real pc


Ok so this isn’t much of an update, but I thought I’d share some Microsoft OS/2 1.3 on REAL hardware…. Yeah, so it’s not emulation but this is COOL!

I scored a copy of Microsoft OS/2 1.3 IN THE BOX.

OS/2 1.3 on a real computer!

Which is beyond rare. But they needed something as a ‘server platform’ for Microsoft Mail 3.x before Windows NT (OS/2 NT) was ready.