while finally getting around to renaming aux to aux_ for my AltaVista based search engine, I noticed that the product link, http://www.altavista.software.digital.com/search/index.htm, is suddenly not found.

Well isn’t that a shame.
Ironically in a twist of fate, I found this article, “AltaVista Search Engine History Lesson For Internet Nerds“, with a nice overview of the amazing rise, and tragic neglectful decline of AltaVista. Then what struck me was this line:
Digital was the original owner of the domain that you’re reading now; www.digital.com.
Wait!? What?!
Did digital.com just purge DIGITAL’s history?
Now I feel like an idiot for not having archived the archive. Always in motion is the past, it’s a shame that DEC’s pages had to be destroyed. History in digital form, especially Digital’s is always in motion and subject to $CURRENT_YEAR.