Well I was originally looking around at the new & exciting 16bit support for HX, but so far I’m having little luck… It seems all the ‘cool’ OS/2 stuff it should do just crashes out on me…

I’m hoping to get something going eventually.

In the meantime, I had to check to see if an old MS-DOS favorite, DJGPP was still around.. And not only is it still there, but they now support GCC 4.42!

DJGPP, is simply put a port of GCC to MS-DOS. The best part, is that the compiler, libraries, and even the dos extender are all FREE. The sad thing is that DJGPP hit popularity around the mid 90’s with the rise of Windows 95, and the internet… Kind of killing 32bit MS-DOS applications… However Quake 1 shipped as a djgpp/cwsdpmi application… I’m sure there are others.

So at any rate, I was intrigued that it was still around, so I fired up DOSBox, then downloaded the zips according to the zip picker, read the readme, setup the environment, and I was off and away compiling my trivial hello world.

Sadly for me, I couldn’t sleep, so I then just grabbed the f2c/dungeon stuff and did a compile… I only had to tweak a few things, mostly a garbled long file name thing, but in no time… It was running.


I did manage to crash dosbox building the libf2c, but luckily changing gcc to use the -O0 (no optimizations) it was able to build the library… It’s kind of sad generating a 150kb ‘hello world’ type application, but thats the price for essentially statically linking everything….

MS-DOS isn’t the most modern thing out there…. I always wonder if those kids writing a 32bit ms-dos like os ever got anywhere…