It’s not mine, rather it’s Asianometry‘s. It’s a nice overview of the rise of Unix. I’d recommend checking it out, it’s pretty good. And of course, as I’m referenced!
Years ago I had tried to make these old OS’s accessible to the masses with a simple windows installer where you could click & run these ancient artifacts. Say 4.2BSD.
Installing should be pretty straight forward, I just put the license as a click through and accept defaults.
Starting BSD via ‘RUN BSD42’ and the emulator will fire up, and being up a console program (Tera Term) giving you the console access. Windows will probably warn you that it requested network access. This will allow you to access the VAX over the network, including being able to telnet into the VAX via ‘Attach a PTY’ which will spawn another Tera Term, prompting you to login.
telnettting into the VAX
You can login as root, there is no password, and now you are up and running your virtual VAX with 4.2BSD!
All the items
I converted many of the old documents into PDF’s so you may want to start with the Beginners guide to Unix. I thought this was a great way to bring a complex system to the masses, but I’m not sure if I succeded.
As it sits now, since 2007 it’s had 776 downloads. I’d never really gotten any feedback so I’d hoped it got at least a few people launched into the bewildering world of ancient Unix. Of course I tried to make many more packages but I’d been unsure if any of them went anywhere. It’s why I found these videos so interesting as at least the image artifacts got used for something!
But in the off hand, maybe this can encourage some Unix curious into a larger world.
Well this is a bit ambiguous. As Im waking up to check emails I get this notice:
Congratulations! Ancient UNIX/BSD emulation on Windows has just been recognized with the following awards by SourceForge:
Community Choice SourceForge Favorite
These honors are awarded only to select projects that have reached significant milestones in terms of downloads and user engagement from the SourceForge community.
This is a big achievement, as your project has qualified for these awards out of over 500,000 open source projects on SourceForge. SourceForge sees nearly 30 million users per month looking for, and developing, open source software. These award badges will now appear on your project page, and the award assets can be found in your project admin section.
Ever since I got my hands on the Mt Xinu disk images, I’ve been working to see if the old Mach kernels on the CSRG CD-ROM set are actually buildable and runnable. And the TL;DR is that yes, they are.
The CD has 3 Mach kernels, the MK35 kernel, a kernel that appears to be something called X147, and a release of Mach 3.0. While X147 has hardware support for the SUN-3 and most of the files for the VAX, only MK35 has hardware support for the i386. The MK35 kernel has incomplete Makefiles and other dependencies, while X147 lacks i386 support. The good news is that it’s possible to use portions of the missing config & Makefiles from X147 to fill in for MK35, as it’s possible to copy the platform code from MK35 along with the i386 specific config into X147, yielding 2 working kernels.
Now this leads to the next few issues. The hardware support appears to be code ‘donated’ from various OEMs from Intel, Olivetti, Toshiba, OSF, and the CSRG. Dates vary from 1987 to 1991.
I started with the MK35 kernel as it was smaller, and since it was tagged as an ‘Intel only release’ of Mach, I figured that this one had the best chance of actually working.
And this is as far as it got on it’s first attempted boot. The Qemu VM would immediately reboot. Since I had installed Mt Xinu on VMware I went ahead and tried it there, and it said that there was a critical CPU exception and that it was shutting down. Bochs did the same thing, as did PCem. Since nothing was being printed to the screen it must be failing in the locore.s which is split into several assembly modules. I put in a hlt at various points and kept rebuilding and rebooting to see if it would halt or if it’d reboot. Thankfully VM’s are cheap and plentiful, I can’t imagine how tedious this would be on actual hardware. Eventually I found out that right after the paging bit in CR0 was flipped the VM would reboot. Now I had something.
    / turn PG on
    mov   %cr0, %eax
    or   $PAGEBIT, %eax
    mov   %eax, %cr0
    mov  %edx, %cr3
I had tried not flipping the page bit, not flipping cr3, no matter what I tried it would triple fault and reboot.
I had to break down and beg for help, and as luck would have it, someone who knows a heck of lot more about the i386 than I could ever hope to know took a glace at the above code and immediately noted:
I looked at start.s. And it immediately jumped out at me as being very fishy. What they do is enable protected mode *and* paging, but only then load CR3. That’s something which may well work on some CPUs, but it’s against the rules. You could try just swapping the instructions around, first load CR3, then CR0. The next question is then if that code executes out of an identity-mapped page; if yes then just swapping the instructions should do the trick, if not then there is a bigger issue.
 Background: Old CPUs, especially 386/486, will decode and pipeline several instructions past the protected mode switch (mov cr0, eax). The jmp instruction is there to flush that pipeline and make sure all further instructions are executed with the new addressing mode in effect. But old CPUs did not enforce that and it was possible to execute the jmp from a non-identity-mapped page, and I guess it was also possible to execute instructions between the move to cr0 and the jmp, at least most of the time. That tends to break on modern CPUs (probably P6 and later) and definitely in emulation/virtualization. The move to cr0 effectively flushes the pipeline and if the next instruction is not in the page tables, poof, there goes the OS.
Could it really be that simple?
    mov   %edx, %cr3
    / turn PG on
    mov   %cr0, %eax
    or   $PAGEBIT, %eax
   mov   %eax, %cr0
    / mov  %edx, %cr3
I commented out the cr3 line and just pasted above the cr0 pagebit flip.
The first boot of Mach 2.5 MK35
Amazingly the kernel booted. Behold the first boot of Mach/4.3 which very well could be the first boot independent of the CMU and I’d venture the first boot from the source on the CSRG CD-ROM set. I tried to tell Mach to use the disk as prepared by Mt Xinu, but naturally it’s incompatible.
The next thing to do was create a root diskette, which thankfully the CMU folks left the needed files in the standi386at directory. I was able to build the disk, and using VMware I could boot into single user mode. I went through the ‘unpublished’ documentation I was able to mirror, and was able to get lucky enough to have Mach prepare the hard disk, format the partitions, and I used tar to transfer the root diskette onto the hard disk. I thought it ought to be possible to boot from the boot disk, have it mount the hard disk, and re-mount the boot disk, and copy the kernel. Sounds reasonable right?
This is where the incredibly stale platform code showed it’s head once more again as the floppy driver in MK35 is amazingly useless. It seems that the emulated hardware is too fast? But all reads from the floppy using the hard disk as root failed. Instead I removed a bunch of files from the disk, and copied over gzip & a compressed copy of the kernel to disk, along with the boot.hd program, and was able to copy them to hard disk using that modified root diskette. Luckily Mach has support for a.out binaries, and this stuff being so old it’s all statically linked. My Mt Xinu build of gzip runs fine on the Mach kernel, so I could decompress the kernel and install the bootblocks.
This is where the next weird issue would happen, which is that Mach was quite insistent on mounting everything under this /RFS directory. It appears that RFS was CMU’s answer to NFS… Which needless to say didn’t ignite the world on fire. I was later able to find that I could disable the RFS code, re-configure, rebuild and re-transfer a kernel and with a bit of fighting with mount I was able to mount hd0d/hd0e. Sadly during the install process there was no visible option to specify slice sizes so I’m stuck with a 10MB root.
With this much luck in hand I thought it may be interesting to see if Mt Xinu could mount the Mach disk. Turns out that it can without any issues. So I went ahead and wiped the Mach disk, and transfered Mt Xinu over to the Mach disk, and rebooted with that. And it “works”! Although of course there is some caveats.
The first being the aforementioned floppy support is broken. The next one being that the serial support also suffers from basically losing interrupts and leaving the system waiting. The kernel debugger still works, and you can see it in the idle loop, along with the other threads waiting. This means my favorite method of using uuencode and pasting to the terminal won’t work, MK35 locks up after 35kb, and X147 made it as far as 150kb. Keep in mind that they are using the same i386/i386at platform directories.
So I’m quite sure that there is other issues hiding in the code, maybe obvious ones like the cr3/cr0 thing. On the other front I’ve been starting at looking at doing some porting of the Tahoe/Quasijarus userland with varying success. I have already started to rebuild some binaries with a substitute crt0.o as there is no source for anything included in the Mt Xinu distribution outside of the Mach 3.0 kernel.
For those who want to play along I have uploaded VMDK’s and the source tarballs.
For people using Qemu I find that a serial terminal is FAR nicer to use than the console. Also I’m unsure of how hard the 16MB ISA DMA window is being hit, but X147 seems okay with 64MB of ram, while M35 really needs to be 50MB or less..
I’ve been looking for this, since I first found out about it a few years ago. It’s a port of 4.3BSD Tahoe to the i386, utilizing the Mach kernel. This is the biggest gap of the era, which is bringing mini-computer BSD to an affordable platform, the AT386.
Sadly like many others after Mach386, it did not find widespread commercial success and MtXinu wound down operations of the product, and eventually the company itself. It’s a shame too that both Mt Xinu & BSDi eventually exited the BSD market, while the open 386 alternatives flourished and grew.
One thing is for sure, it wasn’t cheap! At least on the perpetually starving college student budget the base license was $995! And that included no source code at all. Although the Mach 3.0 Add-on does include source code, however because of the then new AT&T USL vs. BSDI/UCB lawsuit CMU got cold feet over it’s BSDSS/BNR2SS for Mach 3.0 and pulled it, leaving you with a micro kernel with no personality. Although years later the rights would flow from AT&T to Novel who then let Caldera acquire them, and then give the infamous 32v giveaway (pdf) essentially setting BSD free. Although I was one of the people who shelled out the $100 for the oldSCO SYSIII license back in the day.
Mach386 lived from around 1991 until 1993. Needless to say the Juggernaut called Linux appeared at the right time and the right place, when all of the BSD’s had faltered because of that lawsuit. Sometimes in life, timing is absolutely everything.
Sadly by the time I could afford expensive OS’s it was 1999 and I’d bought OS X Server 1.0, with all it’s 4.4BSD + Mach 2.5 fun.
Anyways fast forward a few decades and I have been looking for a mythical 4.3BSD on i386 for far too long, and I came across a post on betaarchive mentioning, and all of Scott’s adventures with Mach386. So I was able to contact him, and get a copy of Mach386!
Well the disk set is from 1992, and going back to that era means you are going be locked into the old disk geometry where an IDE disk under 500MB is the best way to go. The floppy controller is programmed in a weird way that the only thing I could get it working with was VMWare. It wasn’t so bad going through the disks, and I quickly had a system up and running. Once the install is done it’ll run under QEMU for instance just fine.
Mach386 on Qemu
Currently there is no ‘modern’ ish networking support, aka no NE2000. So I’ve been using serial terminals to use uuencode/uudecode to get files in & out of the VM.
So what’s in the box? Well I didn’t install the X11 stuff as I’m just not in the mood to fight it, but it’s a 4.3BSD system! Sadly adventure/zork is absent, however rogue and all the other BSD type fun is there. gcc version 1.37.1 & GNU assembler version 1.36 among others are also includes, although without any diff’s or source. Although the networking headers & tools are on separate disks, there is no nonsensical link kit type thing like Xenix, meaning that TCP/IP is fully integrated to the kernel. While there is SLIP support apparently I haven’t messed with it at all yet.
What is really interesting is the other disk set, MtXinu-Mach386-M3921131020-Mach_3.0+DUI.7z which is that Mach 3.0 kernel version MK78 which I believe is the first widespread & public release of Mach 3.0.
Being that this a Mach based system it builds the 3.0 kernel with ease. It even includes a 4.3BSD (sadly binary only) ported kernel to the 3.0 Mach which you can run. It’s defiantly not as fast as the default kernel, but seems to work well enough.
The kernel in question is what they term Mach 2.6 which is the 2.5 plus lots of enhancements. Among others is a different disk layout/partitioning scheme so you can dualboot. Although in the era of cheap VMs it’s kind of pointless.
So it may not look like much, but it’s a really fun thing to play around with. At the same time 386BSD had been pushed out into the world, and Linux was also a thing. It’s not surprising that Mt Xinu & BSDi would eventually fail in the marketplace, and Linux would go on to decimate the UNIX landscape. But it’s cool to run a direct VAX based OS on the PC.
It’s just been really busy with this move, unpacking and the usual losing things, finding things and breaking things.
In the middle of it all, I found something online, that I want to at least do some proper article thing about… As it’s been really exciting, and goes back to the first month I started this blog.
Outside of NeXTSTEP, the other i386 commercial version of Mach 2.5 surfaced, the Mt Xinu version!
loading vmunix.sys
rearranging symbols
text data bss dec hex
389088 45564 101364 536016 82dd0
ln vmunix.sys vmunix; ln vmunix vmunix.I386x.STD+WS-afs-nfs
However, as luck always has it, start.s in the i386 code does something weird at the 3GB mark causing a triple fault on any kind of modern emulation/virtualization setup.
/ Fix up the 1st, 3 giga and last entries in the page directory
mov $EXT(kpde), %ebx
and $MASK, %ebx
mov $EXT(kpte), %eax
and $0xffff000, %eax
or $0x1, %eax
mov %eax, (%ebx)
mov %eax, 3072(%ebx) / 3 giga -- C0000000
mov $EXT(kpde), %edx
and $MASK, %edx
Not all that sure why, but at least on Bochs, I can see the triple fault.
00036527018d[CPU0 ] page walk for address 0x0000000000101122
00036527018d[CPU0 ] page walk for address 0x00000000e0000011
00036527018d[CPU0 ] PDE: entry not present
00036527018d[CPU0 ] page fault for address 00000000e0000011 @ 0000000000101124
00036527018d[CPU0 ] exception(0x0e): error_code=0002
00036527018d[CPU0 ] interrupt(): vector = 0e, TYPE = 3, EXT = 1
00036527018d[CPU0 ] page walk for address 0x00000000c0161370
00036527018d[CPU0 ] PDE: entry not present
00036527018d[CPU0 ] page fault for address 00000000c0161370 @ 0000000000101122
00036527018d[CPU0 ] exception(0x0e): error_code=0000
00036527018d[CPU0 ] exception(0x08): error_code=0000
00036527018d[CPU0 ] interrupt(): vector = 08, TYPE = 3, EXT = 1
00036527018d[CPU0 ] page walk for address 0x00000000c0161340
00036527018d[CPU0 ] PDE: entry not present
00036527018d[CPU0 ] page fault for address 00000000c0161340 @ 0000000000101122
00036527018d[CPU0 ] exception(0x0e): error_code=0000
00036527018i[CPU0 ] CPU is in protected mode (active)
00036527018i[CPU0 ] CS.mode = 32 bit
00036527018i[CPU0 ] SS.mode = 32 bit
00036527018i[CPU0 ] EFER = 0x00000000
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | EAX=e0000011 EBX=0015f000 ECX=00161dc1 EDX=0015f000
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | ESP=0000efbc EBP=0000efbc ESI=00193fb8 EDI=00009d84
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | IOPL=0 id vip vif ac vm RF nt of df if tf SF zf af PF cf
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | SEG sltr(index|ti|rpl) base limit G D
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | CS:0028( 0005| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | DS:0020( 0004| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | SS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00001000 0000ffff 0 1
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | ES:0020( 0004| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | FS:0000( 0005| 0| 0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | GS:0000( 0005| 0| 0) 00000000 0000ffff 0 0
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | EIP=00101122 (00101122)
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | CR0=0xe0000011 CR2=0xc0161340
00036527018i[CPU0 ] | CR3=0x00000000 CR4=0x00000000
00036527018i[CPU0 ] 0x0000000000101122>> add byte ptr ds:[eax], al : 0000
00036527018d[SIM ] searching for component 'cpu' in list 'bochs'
00036527018d[SIM ] searching for component 'reset_on_triple_fault' in list 'cpu'
00036527018e[CPU0 ] exception(): 3rd (14) exception with no resolution, shutdown status is 00h, resetting
Mach 3.0 doesn’t do this, so I’ll have to dig far deeper into start.s which is kind of really beyond me.
Building a boot disk … is involved. 😐
rm -rf /usr/src/mach25-i386/obj
mkdir /usr/src/mach25-i386/obj
cd /usr/src/mach25-i386/standi386at/boot
make fdboot
/home/user/mkfs /dev/rfloppy 2880 18 2 4096 512 32 1
dd if=/usr/src/mach25-i386/obj/standi386at/boot/boot.fd of=/dev/rfd0d
/home/user/fsck -y /dev/rfloppy
cd /usr/src/mach25-i386/
mount /dev/floppy /mnt
cp /usr/src/mach25-i386/obj/STD+WS-afs-nfs/vmunix /mnt
umount /mnt
/home/user/fsck -y /dev/rfloppy
So, I’m not all that dead. For anyone super impatient, you can download my VMDK here, which runs on Qemu & VMware, it includes a serial terminal on COM1 so you can use a real terminal, and if you are like me, uuencode/uudecode files in & out of the system. As always read the 404 page for the current username/password.
I saw this mentioned over at Hacker News, Charles Youse’s NCC and had to check it out! It really is a ‘tiny’ K&R C compiler that is targeting a proprietary a.out file format.
This is NCC, the “new” C compiler. It is intended to be used as the system compiler for BSD/64 (my port of pre-Reno 4.3BSD to Intel/AMD 64-bit desktops).
The dialect of C accepted by the compiler is basically pre-ANSI (K&R 1978) with some common extensions and a few minor “fixes”. (See the DIALECT file for specifics.) This is both a function of the compiler’s purpose — to operate on a mid-80s codebase — and, admittedly, personal taste.
The binary tools work on a proprietary object file format and produce a.out- format executables. These are documented in obj.h and a.out.h respectively.
The compiler and its tools are fully functional and have been fairly well- tested, though they are works in progress. In particular, the optimizer is quite minimal: the framework for a more aggressive optimizer is there, but for the moment only rudimentary data-flow analysis is done to aid the register allocator and clean up the more egregious output from the code generator.
Included in the source is:
* ncc: compiler driver. * ncpp: an ANSI C89 compliant C preprocessor. * ncc1: the C compiler proper, produces assembly output * nas: accepts 16/32/64-bit Intel syntax assembly and produces .o object. * nld: the object linker – combines .o files into a.out executables. * nobj: object/executable inspector.
The LC isn’t a strong Macintosh. It is after all, a low cost model. And what I’m doing isn’t even slightly fair to it.
Since it has a mere 68020 running at a blazing 16Mhz with no 68881 nor any MMU running something like A/UX is simply out of the question. However MMU less Mac’s can run MachTen.
Although I did make a backup of the disk to find out that this thing had been in Harvard of all places, apparently once belonging to Mark Saroyan.
Although there was nothing even slightly academic or useful on the disk. I wonder if the software was even pirated as the last owner sure enjoyed all the various SIM games (city/earth/life/ant) it seems more than anything else.
I formatted the massive 50MB SCSI disk, put on a fresh copy of MacOS 7.0.1 along with the network driver and MachTen 2.2.
System 7.0.1
And as far as LC’s go, this one isn’t too bad, it’s loaded up with the maximum 10MB of RAM, although it seems the VRAM is pretty sparse as it’ll only go to 16 colours. But since we are playing UNIX here, I didn’t see any need for that, and set it to mono.
I thought it’d be fun to install a gopherd server onto this machine, and that is where the fun started.
Granted it’s been a long time since I used a machine with no real L2 cache, let alone running at a whopping 16Mhz, and using a compiler like GCC is just incredibly slow.
So I thought I could just ‘cheat’ the system by taking the source code to GCC-1.42 and tweaking the SUN3-Mach configuration into a SUN2-Mach configuration but keeping it targeting a BSD like OS, along with setting it to compile to a 68020 without a 68881. Oddly enough getting a cross compiler wasn’t so difficult, but the assembler on the LC, a modified GAS wouldn’t assembler the files. So I went ahead and built a68 from GAS 1.38 and now I can cross assemble from Windows. However I couldn’t get the linker ld from binutils-1.9 working. I guess it was an endian issue somewhere, but my attempt at byte swapping files it was reading just led to further confusion. And I figured linking on the target host wouldn’t be the end of the world, as compiling sure feels like it is.
So fighting the source and in a matter of a 30 minutes of on/off work I had it compiled. All I needed to do then was FTP the objects to the machine, link and run. Surprisingly this proved to be pretty simple.
gopherd running!
I managed to get a few pages out of it, and suddenly my telnet sessions dropped. Looking over at the console and MacOS was busy being MacOS.
error of type 3
And that was that.
I tried another program to cross compile and upload phoon!
phoon cross compiled, natively linked.
It took a while to set the clock to the right year, as my minimal System 7 install doesn’t have the time control panel, and advancing 1 year at a time from 1999 takes time, by advancing the date to New Years Eve every minute 19 times to get us to 2018 with the old date syntax:
date 12312359
Lessons learned?
Obviously if I want to do something like this, I’m going to need a better Macintosh. Or just not do things like this….
I’m kind of on the fence as to whither 68k Unix is really all that useful in the age of Ghz x86.
Not that I need another UNIX, but I came across this fine thing googling around for some Mach based OS’s running on the 68000, and well here is MachTen. Â Perhaps the most notable thing about MachTen is that it is capable of running in usermode under MacOS. Â Without a MMU.
# cc -v hi.c -o hi
gcc version 1.40
/usr/local/PMtools/cpp -v -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dunix -D__MACHTEN__ -DMACHTEN -DTENON -D__unix__ -D____MACHTEN____ -D__MACHTEN__ -D__TENON__ -Dmc68000 hi.c /var/tmp/cc000093.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.40
/usr/local/PMtools/cc1 /var/tmp/cc000093.cpp -fno-builtin-alloca -fno-defer-pop -quiet -dumpbase hi.c -version -o /var/tmp/cc000093.s
GNU C version 1.40 (68k, MIT syntax) compiled by GNU C version 2.3.3.
default target switches:
as -mc68000 -o hi.o /var/tmp/cc000093.s
ld -o hi -x /usr/lib/crt0.o hi.o -lc
# size hi
text data bss dec hex
11220 400 1672 13292 33ec
# ./hi
And yes, it even supports TCP/IP with it’s own TCP/IP stack. Â It can even operate as a router of all things! Â From a users point of view it is a little sparse, but it’s 4.3BSD, and thankfully includes the C compiler, so unlike of UNIX of the era on ‘small hardware’ this one isn’t crippled.
configuring TCP/IP
TCP/IP is configured through the MacOS via the control panel. Â As you can see it can use AppleTalk, Ethernet and TokenRing interfaces. Â For my simplicity, I’m just using SLiRP on the Ethernet, so it’s the old setup. Â I re-compiled my BasiliskIII to redirect a port into the VM so I can telnet into it.
To install System 7.0.1 you need to set Basilisk II / Cockatrice III as a IIci. I went ahead and used this ROM. Â The ROM however does expect there to be a FPU.
rom Mac-IIci.ROM
modelid 5
cpu 2
fpu true
Running however, I’ve been able to set the CPU to 3 or 4 (68030/68040) and it’s fine, I think the major thing is the modelid. Â If I try this under System 8 which needs a 68040, then it’ll crash in spectacular ways. Â You don’t need MacTCP as again MachTen is a 4.3BSD kernel with Mach 2.5, so it has it’s own.
MachTen also includes support for NFS! Â This greatly eases getting data in & out of the system. Â To mount my Synology I just need the following command:
mount -t nfs -o timeo=1,retry=1,rsize=512,wsize=512,retrans=1 /mnt/data
Continuing from my TACACS adventure, I also thought it would be nice to capture syslogs, and save them. Oddly enough this is a big business, with even low end products like Kiwi Syslog server costing some $295 USD!
Well that’s too much for me, so I figured that the most wide spread at the time must have been the 4.3BSD syslogd, so I’ll start with that.
Just as before this was a pretty straight forward port, I had to remove all the /dev/kmem and UNIX socket stuff, as they obviously don’t exist on Windows. Â Just as the same, you can’t “write to users” to send messages, so by default output is a file. Â I suppose I could use the net send functionality to pop up a message, but I find it just as annoying today as it was then.
At any rate in no time I was able to setup a simple config file, and then get my router to turn on full logging & enable full debugging to get a continuous stream of messages. Â The only ‘gotcha’ is that this sylogd wants to be able to do reverse lookups, so you really ought to have a DNS with reverse entries, or a good hosts file.
As you can see, running it in debug mode tells me what is going on. Â And the log.txt file contains a nicely formatted log file, just the way that it was done on BSD:
I’m sure it’s full of other bugs, but all I tested was that I could log to a file, and it’s doing that much just fine. Â If you feel so inclined you can download & compile it, the source is: syslogd_win32.c