CTI Keynote, Cliff Stoll – (Still) Stalking the Wily Hacker

In the off chance you’ve never read it, the book The Cuckoo’s Egg is an incredible read.  However what is more interesting with the passage of time, and with the revelations of various 3 letter agencies is understanding why they were so slow to react, and why they were ultimately dismayed with Stolls’ work to alert others is that they too were no doubt actively exploiting the same exploits that the Russian sponsored German hackers were using.  Much in the way that some vendor holes have remained pretty much during the products entire lifespan (Cisco PIX being one…).

Research UNIX v9

v9 on TME

This just in, I have just booted Research UNIX v9 on TME’s SUN-3 emulator!

And there we are booted up and logged in.. pardon the disk error..


I’m slightly hesitant about uploading it, as it clearly isn’t right… And this is only the binary component, I have integrated the source tree onto the disk image.  But I haven’t actually tried to compile anything except a simple hello-world program.  You can download it here from sourceforge: SUN3-research_v9.7z  If anyone want’s to browse the source, it’s on my CVS browser thing.