I forget what I was looking for

when I stumbled onto Haruhiko Okumura’s lzss.c, but I was really intrigued.  Every time I’ve seen anything to do with compression, it’s insanely massive.

Except for this.

Including the ‘main’ portion of the source, it’s 180 lines long.  4.3Kb.  That’s microscopic by today’s standards.  On OS X I get a 13kb executable, compared to 76kb for gzip, or 1.6MB for 7za.

And googling around I found a few other variations.  So I figured it would be slightly fun to have a ‘bakeoff’ with the ‘tradtional’ Calgary Corpus, which includes some variable types of data.

Unsurprisingly, 7zip is the best of the bunch.

$ ./testcomp.sh
cleaning up
running…….The winner (smallest) is :
261057 6 Jun 20:18 book1.7z
53167 6 Jun 20:18 geo.7z
9472 6 Jun 20:18 obj1.7z
17322 6 Jun 20:18 paper1.7z
43596 6 Jun 20:18 pic.7z
15060 6 Jun 20:18 progl.7z
16748 6 Jun 20:18 trans.7z
30716 6 Jun 20:18 bib.7z
169894 6 Jun 20:18 book2.7z
119399 6 Jun 20:18 news.7z
61758 6 Jun 20:18 obj2.7z
27310 6 Jun 20:18 paper2.7z
12605 6 Jun 20:18 progc.7z
10428 6 Jun 20:18 progp.7z

But the source to 7zip is unwieldy at best.  So how did the small lzss and variants stuff do?

Compression percentage

Compression percentage

Honestly I’m surprised gzip put up a good fight.  Bzip2 & 7zip really fought for the top, The surprise to me was lzhuf leading the old stuff, which has it’s roots back in 1988/1989.  So let’s look at the data without anything modern in the way.

Old Compression only

Old Compression only

So from the numbers, we can see that lzs2 and lz3 run almost identical, with lzs & lzs4 at the bottom.  Now when we look at time, we get something different.

Compression duration

Compression duration

Both lzs & lzs4 take eight or more seconds!  So they are both out, as I’m shopping for something good/fast, and taking this long is out of the question!  So it comes down to how complicated lzhuf2, lzs2 and lzs3 are.


While lzs.c is still pretty impressive for the size, for what I’m going to try thought, I’m going to use lzs2.c as it’s 8kb, and seems to fit the bill.

For anyone who’s interested in running this on their own, here is the package.  I only tested on OS X, it may run on other UNIX stuff, it may not.  Extract it and run ‘testcomp.sh’.  And it may even work!  The only thing on OS X I had to add was ‘-Wno-return-type’ for compiling, as clang doesn’t like ancient source like this…

SoundBlaster support on VMWare Player

Well it’s kind of skinny to be honest.  It works, Kinda though.

You can either have AdLib/OPL3 emulation, OR the PCM/Wave.

You can’t do both at the same time.


Edit the .vmx file, and look for the sound section..

sound.present = “TRUE”
sound.virtualDev = “sb16”
sound.opl3.enabled = “TRUE”
sound.autodetect = “TRUE”
sound.baseAddr = “0x220”
sound.dma16 = “7”
sound.dma8 =”1″
sound.irq = “5”
sound.mpu401baseAddr = “0x330”
sound.Opl3BaseAddr = “0x388”

And add in something like this.  To get the opl3 emulation set it to TRUE, but the PCM won’t work.  Set it to false and you’ll get sound.

And of course set your environment variable for MS-DOS

SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H7 P330 T6


I’ve tested it with Doom v1.1, and it works.  Of course you can ‘cheat’ and setup a network game, with one player with Adlib, and the other with the Sound Blaster.  But I know that’s crazy!

Stacker compression for Cisco routers

Looking at my Netware configuration, and the MTU issues I was having, I was right to think that it used to work with serial links with an MTU of 1500 along with stacker compression.  No doubt with the world moving away from traditional HDLC links, and Novell Netware, the code is in 12.4, but it doesn’t work.

Luckily someone sent me 11.3 for the 2600.

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS ™ C2600 Software (C2600-D-M), Version 11.3(6)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 06-Oct-98 18:07 by ccai

It’s still strange to think of 1998 being old.  Or legacy.  But back then I had an IOS 9 device running as a terminal server, and whole lot of 2500’s & 4000’s running 10.3, and some 7000’s with 11.0.  Good times for sure!

Since I setup a simple IPX network the router config’s are pretty simple.  I didn’t even bother with TCP/IP.


ipx routing c809.1dfc.0000
interface Ethernet0/0
no ip address
ipx encapsulation SAP
ipx network CAB2
interface Serial0/0
no ip address
bandwidth 1966080
ipx network BEEF
clockrate 2000000
compress stac


ipx routing c808.1dfc.0000
interface Ethernet0/0
no ip address
ipx encapsulation SAP
ipx network CAB3
interface Serial0/0
no ip address
bandwidth 1966080
ipx network BEEF
clockrate 2000000
compress stac

As you can see the configuration is pretty bare bones.  But the only thing I’m interested in is compressing that serial link.  I didn’t have to do any MTU sizing games, instead logging into the server ‘just worked’.  Then I turned on the compression, and copied the server’s system folder to the local disk.

Stacker Compression!

Stacker Compression!

And you can see I’m getting about 1.5:1 .  Not bad for a simple setting change.

Software compression enabled
uncompressed bytes xmt/rcv 8733770/81026
1 min avg ratio xmt/rcv 1.577/1.121
5 min avg ratio xmt/rcv 1.578/1.070
10 min avg ratio xmt/rcv 1.606/1.083
no bufs xmt 0 no bufs rcv 0
resyncs 0
Additional Stacker Stats:
Transmit bytes: Uncompressed = 279855 Compressed = 5124744
Received bytes: Compressed = 72387 Uncompressed = 0

But naturally dynamips is slow for doing what it does.  And to know that I’m not totally crazy, as this stuff did work before.  This should also serve as a warning to people new at the fun world of cisco, just because you have a ‘newer’ version of IOS doesn’t mean that feature XYZ is going to work correctly.  Oh sure the statements may work, but when it comes down to it, it may not work at all, or poorly.  In case you ever wondered why people hoarde IOS versions this would be why.


GNS3 + VMWare +Netware 3.12

So continuing from where I left off, I thought I’d setup a small Netware network onto my GNS3 testbed.

Netware was once the big dog in the networking world, but now it’s just a footnote in obscurity.  Long gone are the days of syscon, rconsole, and all the frametypes that Netwaer supported in equally incompatible ways.  So maybe it’s a good thing.

But I digress, years ago I paid good money for a 50 user version of Netware 3.12.  I don’t know why either, but I occasionally like to get it running so I don’t feel like I completely wasted the thing.

With the right lan drivers, installation is a snap.  Or if you don’t have the right lan drivers, create a MS-DOS VM, so it’ll have an IDE hard disk.  You can install netware without lan drivers just fine.  I just installed netware by itself, then added in some patches for the network card & the idle program so it wouldn’t eat 100% of my CPU.  For the network though the command line was a little weird but I worked it out

file server name vmware
ipx internal net 538787d
mount all
load c:\server.312\nw4-idle.nlm
load c:\server.312\pcntnw slot=10001 FRAME=Ethernet_802.2
BIND IPX to pcntnw NET=cab2
load remote password
load rspx

Which gets me networking, and rconsole support.  With the server running, I just then had to enable IPX routing on my cisco routers.

ipx routing ca00.1b00.0008
interface FastEthernet0/1
ipx encapsulation SAP
ipx network CAB1
interface Serial1/0
mtu 2000
ipx network CAB0


ipx routing ca08.140c.0008
interface FastEthernet0/1
ipx encapsulation SAP
ipx network CAB2
interface Serial1/0
mtu 2000
ipx network CAB0

 Now with this all in place I can see the IPX routes from R1, including the one that goes directly into the server:

R1#show ipx route
Codes: C – Connected primary network, c – Connected secondary network
S – Static, F – Floating static, L – Local (internal), W – IPXWAN
R – RIP, E – EIGRP, X – External, A – Aggregate
s – seconds, u – uses, U – Per-user static/Unknown, H – Hold-down

4 Total IPX routes. Up to 1 parallel paths and 16 hops allowed.

No default route known.

C CAB0 (HDLC), Se1/0
C CAB1 (SAP), Fa0/1
R CAB2 [07/01] via CAB0.ca08.140c.0008, 56s, Se1/0
R 5383787D [08/02] via CAB0.ca08.140c.0008, 56s, Se1/0

And of course I can see the server!

R1#show ipx servers
Codes: S – Static, P – Periodic, E – EIGRP, H – Holddown, + = detail
U – Per-user static
2 Total IPX Servers

Table ordering is based on routing and server info

Type Name Net Address Port Route Hops Itf
P 4 VMWARE 5383787D.0000.0000.0001:0451 8/02 2 Se1/0
P 107 VMWARE 5383787D.0000.0000.0001:8104 8/02 3 Se1/0

Now if you remember from the bad old days of Netware, each service running on a server is advertised.  So in this case, type 4 is a file/print server, and 107 is a server running the ‘remote’ facility so you can rconsole into it.

Another thing to take note, is that because I configured IPX on serial interfaces is that their encapsulation is always HDLC.  Also because IPX cannot fragment like TCP/IP the MTU on the serial interface *MUST* be larger than ethernet’s 1500.  I like 2000 as I avoid all frame overhead this way.

Now I’m using the old netware client with the drivers I found here, and it works fine, as long as I had the MTU bumped up on the serial interface.  Now I could have used ethernet, and it’d achieve the same thing, except I’m not in some weird MTU war.

IPX network

IPX network



At the same time, it is very slow.  If you want to do anything reasonably fast, you really need to move your client to the same VNet as the server.  But if you want to feel like the old days when connections were slow, well you’ll enjoy a max 400k connection.  I tried enabling stacker compression on the interface, but it resulted in packet corruption.  I think it’s an IOS thing though, so if you play with this, you may have better luck.  Back before MPLS was everyone’s latest wan joy, I ran stacker compression, and the speed boost was really noticeable, with a 1.5:1 or 2:1 compression not being uncommon.  Although on lower routers it could be a killer (the 2500…) or a 7000 with multiple interfaces doing compression it could also bring a router to it’s knees.  Also looking at the support table for the  SA-COMP/1  SA-COMP/4 I doubt 12.4 would support stacker compression properly.

[table id=2 /]

Otherwise, yeah it works fine.  I also loaded up a Windows NT client, and it works too!

With all the truecrypt hysteria running around

truecrypt-logoI thought I’d go mining for old versions, and put them up on CVS web.  Turns out some old versions are missing, but oddly enough not the 1.0 stuff.

So here is the src2html version, and the raw tree view.

And for the really crazy, I dumped all versions into CVS.

I only briefly looked at it, and noticed the block driver has the ability to look at memory.. I don’t know why, but I don’t think I would want my block drivers being able to do that.  maybe it’s a good thing, I don’t know.  I haven’t tried to build it, and I’ve never used TrueCrypt so I really can’t comment on it.

Also pulling through archvie.org I found some old versions of scramdisk. But I never used that either.