So Intel being Intel decided that preserving it’s past isn’t worth the few hundred GB.

So here we go again, yet another major vendor that has been around since the 1970’s decides that all their prior content needs to be purged ‘because reasons’. once more again steps in, and is archiving the void.

Kind of sad that a few people in an old church can preserve the internet, but a megacorp like Intel cannot even be assed to keep their downloads available.

I’m sure the virtus/spyware/scamware/ransomware people are just salivating at this, as now they can easily add these named & tagged downloads to their lists, as more and more people run into intel branded gear, and attempt to recycle it’s use.

4 thoughts on “So Intel being Intel decided that preserving it’s past isn’t worth the few hundred GB.

  1. This is sad. Apple did this at some point in the past as well, and now their download areas are a complete mess, to the point of listing their old 8-bit equipment under Macintosh headings. That is all they list, because there is no downloadable documentation on any of those systems.

  2. It’s shame, although I’m not surprised. Microsoft has done the same to most pre-Windows 7 KBs articles and downloads for unknown reasons from couple of years. While some archived ancient KBs articles still floating on the web, it’s still hard to find the right original download copies without worry to being scammed.

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