Web Rendering Proxy – Full Page Scrolling

(This is a guest post by Antoni Sawicki aka Tenox)

Due to a popular demand I have added an option of generating full page height screenshot and allowing client browser to do the scrolling.


This makes the browsing experience much smoother, you have resources for it. Beware, a full page screenshot can be several MB in size encoded as gif/png and much more as a decoded raw bitmap on the client. I managed to crash Mosaic and OmniWeb a few times. Fortunately typical Wikipedia page is under 1 MB so for most part is should be fine. To activate just put 0 in page Height.

I have drafted a pre-release on github for testing. Please let me know any feedback. I’m also thinking whether enable this by default, or not.

8 thoughts on “Web Rendering Proxy – Full Page Scrolling

  1. Unfortunately I can’t here attach an image.
    I use “360 Extreme Explorer”, aka “360 Chrome”, which perfectly runable under WinXP x86.
    My version for example is 69.0.3497.100
    360Chrome 11.0.2031.0
    Version 969fc9b20774cf251f636d1c34c88575adc4f760-
    OS Windows
    JavaScript V8 6.9.427.23
    User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36 QIHU 360EE

  2. Great app! Iā€™m using it with my amiga šŸ™‚
    I might be demonstrating my lack of understanding here, but rather than it reloading the entire page when you click on say a text input box, would it be possible for it to just reload the small portion the text box is in rather than the whole page?

    • Thank you. Oh no you have good understand and this is a really good question. The reload is done not on a target web page in hidden chrome browser, but rather it’s a reload of whole gif/png on the client side. I don’t think it’s possible to reload less than a whole image. I was thinking perhaps the image could be chopped up to smaller sections, however browsers predating CSS will have problem placing images exactly adjunct to each other. I’m currently working on speeding up GIF image generation, so that may help. I’m also open to any ideas you may have.

      • I wish I could provide some ideas but sadly my programming knowledge is limited! Monitoring cpu usage on my pc, it looks like the encoding process for the gif only uses one core – is it possible to employ more cores to speed up encoding, or leverage a gpu?

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