I was looking back at old posts

And I saw my old look at Mach+Lites.  And of course there was a qcow disk image associated with some ancient version of Qemu which I can’t run on Wine on OS X.  So I figured with a bit of fun I’d update the disk image to work with Qemu 1.7.0.

Luckily Qemu 0.15.1 works just fine for it’s qemu-img.  So a quick

qemu-img convert -f qcow -O vmdk mach.img mach.vmdk

and I had my image.  I’m not sure of what the NE2000 parameters that Mach can use to enable the network, but I do recall it was easier to just rebuild Qemu around them.  However this time, I switched to the Mach kernel that utilized Linux device drivers to get a working network.

I updated the hard disk file here.

Screen Shot 2013-12-27 at 12.16.18 AM

For the two or three people who care about BSD evolutionary dead ends.

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