Some random updates

First I just found out about the KVM Forum 2013, taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland.

You can find all kinds of information and videos of the presentation on the G+ page!

This is an incredible resource for anyone thinking of deploying KVM (Proxmox/VE!) in a serious setting.  Unlike VMWare ESX this is a free solution with no insane license restrictions.  Not to mention that KVM+Qemu is far more flexible than any traditional x86 focused hypervisor will ever be.  And poor Microsoft still doesn’t yet offer x86_64 solution.

I also got a ping back from Linux Lifestyle, about a challenge to find an ancient version of Linux.  Although the real credit goes to the excellent preservation work of .

Personal note, I got the flu (again!) and have been sick.. which is why the lag in the network stuff, but I’ll bang more on it tomorrow.  I’ll finally get to adding remote sites, routing protocols, and all that fun stuff.  Internet/NAT/Firewalls afterwards.  ASA stuff too, as much as I don’t like them.

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