Qemu 1.0 dependencies….

So because of some circular dependancies, and me trashing my toolchain I have just re-installed MinGW.  I thought I’d share this little adventure to get Qemu 1.0 to actually configure… Naturally as time goes by these links will get stale and die. sorry about that.

First get




This will almost get you a working glib/pkg-config environment.  The catch is when you go to run it, you’ll get some error about not having intl.dll … Well, where the heck does that come from?

$ mingw-get install mingw-utils

After installing this package do *exactly* like this:

cd /mingw/lib
a2dll libintl.a -o intl.dll -liconv
mv -iv intl.dll /mingw/bin/

Special thanks to Fragrant Memories, I don’t think I’d have ever figured that out. Also don’t forget to build zlib/SDL with –prefix=/mingw …

I’ll just update this as the build continues….

Good news, it’s compiling!  I’ve even added in the easy reboot.

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