
So I was reading through a friends blog (wintellect!) and I came across this page about ownCloud…  Well I thought this was very interesting as I’ve pulled a lot of my external email mess inside (on my own Exchange 5.5 server on MS Virtual Server 2005!) .. So I like this whole idea.

I’ve got this VPS that has a few extra gigs of space, and it’d be SUPER convenient to map some drives for backups, or even back it up by copying some files..  It’s a simple AMP program setup, so I had it up and running in a few seconds.  The ‘hard’ part was mapping the drive from Vista.  Naturally it came down to reading the instructions, namely:

  1. in Services, enable the Webclient service (might be enabled already)
  2. in the Registry, change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\BasicAuthLevel from 1 to 2
  3. go to My Computer → Mount Network Drive
And that is about the size of it.

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