Well I know this topic keeps comming up over & over that the pread.c that I had used to build my Xenix on Qemu is long lost.
Anyways someone else was asking me for it, and I stumbled accross this Microsoft Memo:
which means the device name I was listing was wrong… I’m unsure if it means in 2003 it change from what it was since 1991….
Anyways here is my new ‘pread’.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> define BUFFSIZE 1024*1024 void main(void) { FILE *disk; FILE *ofile; int disknumber; char fname[255]; char oname[255]; char *buffer; int rc; int pass; buffer=(char)malloc(BUFFSIZE); if(buffer==(char)NULL) {printf("\nError allocating buffer!!\n");return;} printf("please tell me the disk NUMBER that you want to read\n"); printf("for \\.\PhysicalDrive1 just answer 1\n\n:"); memset(fname,0x0,sizeof(fname)); scanf("%d",&disknumber); sprintf(fname,"\\.\PhysicalDrive%d",disknumber); printf("reading the device %s\n",fname); disk=fopen(fname,"rb"); memset(oname,0x0,sizeof(oname)); printf("\nWhat is the output file name?\n\n:"); scanf("%s",oname); ofile=fopen(oname,"wb"); if(ofile==NULL){printf("\n\nERROR with %s\n",oname);return;} if(disk==NULL){printf("\n\nERROR with disk %s\n",fname);return;} rc=5; pass = 0; while(rc!=0) { memset(buffer,0x0,sizeof(buffer)); rc=fread(buffer,1,BUFFSIZE,disk); printf("\r%d\t%d:Megabytes processed",rc,pass); fwrite(buffer,1,rc,ofile); pass++; } fclose(disk); fclose(ofile); printf("\n\n\nDone!%c",7); }
Thanks, for this and for your great blog 🙂
Anytime! Thanks for the feedback!
Thank you so much! 🙂