Qemu 1.0 binaries for Windows (Win32)

EDIT: Nobody should use these binaries, there was a critical error (well there still is) in how a core procedure is compiled, and it results in major instability, instead use Qemu 1.0.1).

Well after lots of fights, it finally built!  I booted MS-DOS and ran Quake (with sound!)…  I’ve added in my control+alt+d for a CAD, and control+alt+r for reset, and configured the sound for adlib, sound blaster & GUS.

The i386/x86_64 binaries are here.

All other systems are here.

For the most part this is completely untested, but it did boot MS-DOS….  All the DLL’s that you need should be in the archives.  7zip is what I used to keep them small.

Disk access seems to be still slower than hell, so instead of the typical

-hda bla.disk

You will want to do change it to:

 -drive file=bla.disk,if=ide,index=0,media=disk,cache=writeback

Although if it is a qcow2

 -drive file=bla.disk,if=ide,index=0,media=disk,cache=writethrough

32 thoughts on “Qemu 1.0 binaries for Windows (Win32)

    • I really don’t know..I’d be inclined to guess no with all the glib/intl/cpu wierdness stuff… then again it could be because I’m using gcc 4.6.1

  1. First of all, thank you so much for the binaries! I appreciate it. 🙂

    Okay, I extracted QEMU 1.0 on the Windows 2000 host machine (which I have been supporting it on my own for a while) and when I took a look at all of the files using this Dependency Walker utility and I found that entry point functions “freeaddrinfo”, “getaddrinfo” and “getnameinfo” which is related only to IPv6 functions that are available on Windows XP SP1 since the official Win32 builds of Qemu 0.10.

    The other day when I downloaded Qemu 0.15, I tried to replace “getaddrinfo” and “getnameinfo” with “gethostname” successfully with a hex editor, but not with “freeaddrinfo” as it resulted in a broken app. 🙁

    Are there any workarounds to fix this by replacing “freeaddrinfo” (12 characters) with something else or is there a way to compile Qemu 1.0 without IPv6 support?

    I don’t know if it can be done or not, but I’m just asking just to be curious even if Win2K support has been deprecated since Qemu 0.10.

    I did try downloaded a Win2K version of Qemu 0.10.5 and it did run well. I never got a chance to see what replacement entry points it uses though.

  2. Any chance of binaries with the Qemu Manager patch applied, I’ve got a rush job to do and have not got the time, i’ll get them uploaded to the site if you can assist.



    • I’ve never heard of qemu manager but it looks like some kind of UI thing they strapped to 0.90…? I don’t know if I can do that as a *lot* of Qemu has drifted from 0.90 to the 1.0 …

  3. Disclaimer: I’m playing with this in the haze of insomnia, so apologies if I am on the wrong track here. 🙂

    Your binaries don’t seem to honour the -m switch to pass the RAM allocation to qemu, at least for me (Win7) the binary will just exit immediately if it is passed at all.

    That might be the root of the problem for booting Windows and Linux guests…

    • I’m on the road at the moment so I can’t do much in the way of testing…. If anything i’d recommend Qemu 0.15 or 0.14 … There is something that is VERY unstable with 1.0, first I thought it could be me, but someone else provided exe’s for win32, and they are just as problematic…

    • It’s scattered on the blog, but qemu now has a rather involved build process, along with the chicken/egg problem with glib. I’d recommend the older 0.14 or 0.15 in the interim to see how they fare.

  4. Is it possibile to share files between WinXP guest and WinXP host without being administrator on the host? I tried several guides with no luck.

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