And it’s a big update on!
From cracyc and roytam’s fork, I have incorporated a correction.
These include file access using FCB and fixing exceptions around the FPU of the MAME version of the i386 core.
In addition, the DAA/DAS/AAA/AAS/AAM/AAD instructions of the MAME version of the i386 core have been modified based on the DOSBox implementation.
With the Pentium 4 version, the testi386.exe is the same as the real thing.The I386 core of NP21/W has been updated to equivalent to ver0.86 rev92 beta2.
Also, fixed the build time warning so that it does not appear.Improved checking when accessing environment variables, referencing incorrect environment tables.
MS-DOS Player for Win32-x64 Mystery WIP Page (
Recent builds have resolved an issue that prevented testi386.exe from working.
Improved the efficiency of memory access handling.
Basic memory, extended memory, and reserved areas (such as VRAM) can be accessed in that order with a small number of conditional branches.
The processing speed may be slightly increased.
Takeda has been very busy indeed!
I don’t want to complain or anything, I’m very thankful for the tool. It’s just so amazing.

but on my Windows 10 install I have so many issues relating to the font/screen changes, that I just made an incredibly lame fork, and commented out those changes, msdos-player_. I stumbled onto the issue by accident by redirecting stdout/stderr, and compiling stuff ran fine, but as soon as it started to mess with the console it’d just crash.

OK so you can run some basic stuff like compilers, but what about ORACLE?!

I did have to subst a drive, as I didn’t feel like dealing with paths and stuff, I had extracted it from oracle-51c-qemu, and modified the autoexec & config.ora and yeah, using the 386 or better emulation it just worked! Sadly there is no network part of the install, although there is a SDK so I guess there ought to be a way to proxy queries.
OK, but how about something even more complicated?! NETWARE!

Obviously there is no ISA MFM/IDE disks in MS-DOS Player, but the server loaded!
Needless to say this update is just GREAT!
I’d say try the one hosted on Takeda’s site! It’ll almost certainly work fine for you. Otherwise I guess try mine. Or not.
> but on my Windows 10 install I have so many issues relating to the font/screen changes
Yeah, this stuff doesn’t work great with the Microsoft terminal either. I’ve been thinking about rewriting the output to use ansi escapes (although that would break windows <10 support).
cracyc want to deal with new console/terminal issue
and cl386 crash is fixed:
try with different workaround for win10: