RSS update?

So RSS on wordpress has been broken for ages now. Every time I add a video or audio sample to the page it’ll break. Also many times I’m using a NON US keyboard/OS/layout or something that’ll break the encoding apparently.

So I added some plugin to create yet another feed with bare minimum content, as again images/media and meta data break RSS.

Otherwise yeah, the whole ‘The internet is only a single program provided by a single company’ really sucks. As much as Id like to move to my own blog platform thing, I don’t have the time to watch it 24x7x365 for security issues, nor do I have enough money to hire a full time team to deal with it.

Sucks man.

14 thoughts on “RSS update?

  1. > Otherwise yeah, the whole ‘The internet is only a single program provided by a single company’ really sucks. As much as Id like to move to my own blog platform thing, I don’t have the time to watch it 24x7x365 for security issues, nor do I have enough money to hire a full time team to deal with it.

    Have you considered GitLab/GitHub/BitBucket pages? You could just dump raw HTML on there (possibly generated yourself) or have them render Markdown for you. Bonus: You’d have all your content in a git repo.

    Downside: You… really need a good idea for comments. Maybe paid for with the savings of not having to pay for hosting anymore?

    • Im too old to be bothered with ‘community guidelines’ and ‘codes of conduct’ for other peoples sites.

      I know that hosting on code repositories is all the rage, but it will end just the same way when I started out on, which is being caught up in state/corporate censorship and massive outages, along with that realization that you don’t own your data.

      I’m not opposed to paying for things as a customer, but to take on my own content management system instead is an endevour, which is a LOT more than I want to pay. So thanks to script kiddies, and so called ‘hackers’ we are contained onto the ranch of corporate surfdom one way or the other.

      it sucks.

      • Hi Neozeed,

        I trully understand you when you complain about “community guidlines” or “code of conducts”…. that’s why I’ve rent a VPS in germany, and install all by myself…

        As main platform, I didn’t choose WordPress (too many bad plugins around), I’ve opted for Drupal mainly because it’s has been created by some random Belgian guys and I’m also from Belgium… 😀

  2. Didn‘t have any issue with it since your last fix weeks/month ago (using newsexplorer ios/mac) but that probably doesn‘t mean anything. I can only second this: please don‘t give up. I enjoy reading your blog wherever i am, eg using newsexplorer sitting in the bathtub 😉

  3. hello! last rss-error was in non-standart ” – ” symbol in your in september article. I cann’t find it again, so… thanks you for your rss-news! No RSS – no news about your blog 🙁

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