CP/M Exchange and the CP/M Player

Exchange & CP/M Player

Exchange & CP/M Player

While on the road, I stumbled onto a link that referred to this program called Exchange, which is a decapitated ‘port’ of CP/M that simply allows you to read and write CP/M disk images.  While on the surface it may not seem much, but the fact it actually uses the 68000 kernel from CP/M seemed really interesting to me.  With minor fighting I had it running on MinGW!


And what fun would that be if we left it there? Oh sure you can get files in and out of standard 8″ images, but can you run them?

Over at the Takeda Toshiya’s page, not only does he make the MS-DOS player, and a whole host of other Japanese machine emulators, but he also has a CP/M player that works in the same style!


So, combine the two, and now you too can trivially export and import files for emulators like SIMH, or just run files naively at the Win32/Win64 command line!

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