I found this out trying to install XCode 4.2 on OS X 10.6
Failed install preflight: Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=102 UserInfo=0x1d9a30 “The package “iPhoneSDKTools.pkg†is untrusted.” Underlying Error=(Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-21 47409654 UserInfo=0x1dbe90 “The operation couldn’t be completed. CSSMERR_TP_CERT_EXPIRED”)
Yep turns out XCode 4.2 (and probably many others) will actually expire. Â So turn off the automatic clock sync, and set your time back to before the package was issued (Xcode 4.3, released on February 16, 2012..) and you’ll be good to go.
Oh wow. I arranged that to happen three years ago.Why did it wait until now?
Okay that makes some sense. But only some sense.
When a package cannot be installed I normally try to use Pacifist ( https://www.charlessoft.com/ shareware without limitation, just a nag screen like ye good ol days).
But yeah, for expiration dates it makes more sense and it’s quicker to just change the clock.