Qemu 2.3.0 released!

While trying to build on OS X there is some errors with building pixman
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:

“_prng_state”, referenced from:
_main in region-test.o
“_prng_state_data”, referenced from:
_main in region-test.o

But these are some ‘test’ programs that we really don’t need or care about.  A quick way to get it to bypass these is to run

touch /pixman/test/region-test
touch /pixman/test/scaling-helpers-test

And now it’ll compile, link and everything!



And yes, it’ll run DOOM.  Although on my 2012 MacBook Air, it’s VERY slow.  But at least the audio works.

From the source code…

DEFINE_PROP_UINT32 (“iobase”, SB16State, port, 0x220),
DEFINE_PROP_UINT32 (“irq”, SB16State, irq, 5),
DEFINE_PROP_UINT32 (“dma”, SB16State, dma, 1),
DEFINE_PROP_UINT32 (“dma16”, SB16State, hdma, 5),

So for MS-DOS be sure to set the BLASTER environment variable to:

SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6

From the source, in case anyone cares anymore about how to run MS-DOS soundblaster stuff in Qemu.  For any OS X users, you can find my binaries here.

And to run DOOM it’s something like this (once you’ve installed MS-DOS and DOOM itself!)

./qemu-system-i386 -L pc-bios -m 16 -soundhw sb16,adlib,pcspk -hda i/doom.vmdk

4 thoughts on “Qemu 2.3.0 released!

  1. Quick question: You’ve got the ‘high DMA’ set as 7… but QEMU defines it as 5? Does that matter at all? I remember not having to worry too much about that back in the day. (Or maybe I’ve just been playing on emulators for too long and they have code to trap us silly configurators.)

  2. I haven’t done too much testing on 2.3 yet, but I tried my OS X 10.0 hd image and it boots quite far using mac99. I got further with PearPC last year, long story short it would boot all the way in console mode and even run XFree86 (I think the cheetah public beta v.) but the horizontal resolution was cropped by a quarter and all the colours were wrong…exciting times, maybe not

    Now back to Crispy Doom, excuse me while I kiss the sky

    Random thought:

    Now Jobs is no longer with us, I think it is time to switch to plan Be

  3. I haven’t done too much testing on 2.3 yet, I am using a windows build btw, but I tried my OS X 10.0 hd image and it boots quite far now using mac99. I got further with PearPC last year, long story short with some tweaking it would boot all the way in console mode and even run XFree86 (I think the cheetah public beta v.) but the horizontal resolution was cropped by a quarter and all the colours were wrong…exciting times, maybe not

    Now back to Crispy Doom, excuse me while I kiss the sky

    Random thought:

    I think it is time to switch to plan Be

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