Qemu 2.2.0 for OS X 10.10

So yeah it’s been a while since I pushed out a build for OS X, and well I did a fresh install of OS X 10.10 on my MacBook, and this took a while to compile.  And I ran into my favorite OSS dependancy of glib2 which needs pkg-config to build, and pkg-config needs glib2.

I hate this so much...

I hate this so much…

So for those who want it, here is the build that I’ve only tested on 10.10 .. And I only compiled the i386 emulator.  And here is the larger archive with the rest of the emulators.

I’ve included the dylib’s that I needed in /usr/local/lib … And of course you’ll need LibSDL 1.2‘s framework installed.

It runs Coherent!

It runs Coherent!

And yes, I built it to run Coherent, and it runs pretty well.  The boot time fsck didn’t take 5 minutes to complete.

6 thoughts on “Qemu 2.2.0 for OS X 10.10

    • It’s very …. complicated. lol from my older notes you need to get pkg-config building, and to do that you need a version with an internal glib… use the flags: configure ––with-internal-glib

      I was almost going to document the build steps last night, but then I thought the world at large doesn’t care as they use some package/brew thing and I think I’m the last end user on the planet that builds by hand.

      If you still have issues I can shuffle my /usr/local out of the way and re-build. Maybe I should have those steps documented anyways.

      • Thanks for the hints! For now I went for a quick and dirty solution by using macports. One dependency makes me wonder: pixman. I build QEMU without SDL, GTK, Cocoa and VNC, and still it needs pixman. Strange.

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