Belated Merry Christmas!

Sorry things have been busy @ Home & Work.

I had been thinking about doing something special for the holidays but looking around it’s a little too late.

So instead here is something nerdy from my youth, the Commodore Christmas demo diskette..   When I was lucky enough to get a C64 along with a 1541 in 1983, this was one of the bundled diskettes.

At the time I never realized how lucky I was to have the floppy drive, so many poor Europeans with their tape drives.

I hope it’s been a good holiday for everyone!

One thought on “Belated Merry Christmas!

  1. I was one of those poor Europeans with the tape deck.

    I still fire this I demo up in Vice occasionally or send everybody the YouTube link for Christmas greetings.

    All the best to you and yours.

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