VMWare Player 7 is out!

First the pro version is still on sale, ending on December 5th

VMware Player 7 pro

VMware Player 7 pro

And for those wondering, where is the regular VMware Player 7? Buried down in the downloads section.. Right HERE!

VMware Player 7

VMware Player 7

Or if you prefer:

First of all support for 32bit hosts is gone.  This build should have better support for Windows 10.  For those who are worried, 7 still supports Windows 9x, NT 4.0. My nested ESXi still works fine, as does my Novel Netware 3.12!

And for Mac users, VMware Fusion 7 is on sale, which is great for OS X users who’ve upgraded to OS X 10.10

What is the difference between Pro and Free? From the FAQ:

  • VMware Player Pro is designed to be used commercially. It is licensed for use by employees, training organizations, contractors and can be transferred to partners or potential customers.
  • VMware Player Pro is enabled to run restricted virtual machines created by VMware Fusion Pro or VMware Workstation

For me, Player 6 removed the ability to easily create VMnet adapters easily, allowing elaborate network configurations with GNS3.  Minus a few UI issues I’m kind of liking Windows 10.  I may switch out my main OS, although I’ll certainly need the newer player.

Anyways, no I don’t get paid for this kind of thing, but I know people who use this stuff won’t want to miss out on a sale.  ESX starter is on sale as well, but only 15% off.

10 thoughts on “VMWare Player 7 is out!

  1. As far as I know, VMware Player 7 and VMware Workstation 11 also dropped Windows XP and Windows Vista support. Windows Vista is more than half-way through the Extended Support Lifecycle and Windows XP is already out of support. 🙁

    I was also thinking if VMware Player 9 may further remove Windows 7 compatibility in not too many years from now.

    • I was also thinking if VMware Player 9 may further remove Windows 7 compatibility in not too many years from now.

      Not likely. Didn’t 7 only recently over take XP’s install base? Vendors are only just now dropping XP support, likely because it’s only recently commericially viable to do so.

      I think 7 will be with us for quite some time to come…

      • Windows 7 recently took over Windows XP’s userbase. However, Microsoft stopped selling OEM licenses of Windows 7 Home Base, Home Premium and Ultimate to PC manufacturers/system builders recently and Windows 7 loses Mainstream Support in a little over a month from now.

        Windows XP marketshare dropped from 23% to just 14% due to a gradual data adjustment from NetApplications. Having a modest, but rapidly shrinking Windows XP userbase is not a excuse for being on a unsupported OS.

        I’m only referring to Windows XP and Vista as the host OS, btw.

    • Drop support for the most popular version of Windows ever? No way!

      From the feature sheet:

      Continue to run Windows XP in a virtual environment on modern hardware

      Don’t worry, XP isn’t going anywhere.

      • I’m was actually referring to consumers who are still running Windows XP and Windows Vista as the host OS.

        I don’t know if VMware Player 7 still works on Windows Vista as a guest operating system as it hasn’t been tested under this release.

    • Workstation creates ‘expiring VMs’… and some other stuff that normal people would never touch. I think the other “killer” feature is the virtual networks…

  2. Thanks for this post. I had been waiting on upgrading Workstation till they had a sale. I didn’t see any deals on the coupon sites on Monday so I assumed they weren’t going to do it this year. Glad I was wrong!

    • No problem, I saw this on G+ of all things… They aren’t exactly promoting this in the right places. Although I guess I should load up vbox again as it’s certainly added more stuff in the last year since I’ve used it.

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