Qemu 1.6.0 pre-3 OS X binaries

I’ll do a release version later, but for those who want it, the i386 & PowerPC emulators.

On the i386 side, I did notice that with an older glib2 installed in /usr/local/lib that Qemu was slow, buggy and all around crappy.  But with a newer lib I’d recently built on my MacPro, it works fine, along with SOUND (tested with DOOM).  So yeah test with the i386 version first, I included the demo DOOM v1.1, and see how that works for you.  I’ve included the libintl & pixman libraries, along with a tar of my glib2 install.  Backup & replace as necessary.

It runs fine on my laptop, which up until now hasn’t run Qemu.

Qemu on OS X 10.8.3

Qemu on OS X 10.8.3


7 thoughts on “Qemu 1.6.0 pre-3 OS X binaries

  1. I know it’s unrelated to that, but… so you got a MacBook Air? Nice! 🙂

    As a sidenote, I noticed that at least my build of Qemu 1.6.0 (64-bit Linux) won’t run the MIPS firmware necessary for NT anymore, I just get a black screen. Returning to 1.5.2 fixes that but I can’t get anything to install. I wonder if it’s just my build or if something broke on the way to 1.5.

    • Yeah I picked up the cheap MacBook Air before I began my Odyssey that led me to Hong Kong. I wanted something light, with a full keyboard… I’ve been pretty happy with it so far.

      I haven’t tried to run MIPS NT in a while, I guess it may be worth taking a look. Hervè kind of dropped off the face of the earth so asking him isn’t probably going to work. Then again he was about to have a 2nd kid so…. I think we all know how the real world gets in the way of this kind of thing from time to time.

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