So I thought I’d have some fun with jsmips

Hello World!

Hello World!

The Javascript MIPS emulator.. So after snagging the source, and all went well building the binutils, gcc, then gcc again, the libc. All seemed well except I couldn’t work out exactly what goes where…

So after a bunch of messing around I managed to get it run..  kind of.  I think the php file that proxies the filesystem is broken as I get something like this from the now broken main js page..

function genroot(p){var dir=new Directory(p);function genbin(p){var dir=new Directory(p);dir.children["=listusers"]=remoteFile("./bin/listusers","");dir.children["=apropos"]=remoteFile("./bin/apropos","");dir.children["=banner"]=remoteFile("./bin/banner","");

And yet I get this kind of output:

{error: false, type: ‘d’, cont: [“dtextc.dat+”,”hi+”,”var/”,”hi.c+”,”source/”,”bin/”,””,”dungeon+”,”./”, “../”]}

Which.. isn’t right enough.  I’m not sure what is up with dir.php ..

Oh well, I was able to build a simple hello world type program, but anything that hopes to pull data off the drive won’t work.  If anyone thinks they can do better my archive of all the bits is here (48MB), and the ‘runnable’ version is here .. hi is about as much fun as it’ll get.

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