Qemu 1.2.2 released!

I’ve just noticed over on the Qemu site, that the 1.2 train has just released a new version, 1.2.2.

I think they backported the PCI bus pass through available on Linux?

The changelog still points back to the 1.2 changelog.

I may have to see about getting access to a Windows machine I can trash trying to get a good MinGW build going…

So .. That means in the meantime, no builds from me.

4 thoughts on “Qemu 1.2.2 released!

      • I just got the news that the server I was speaking of is going to be removed tomorrow.

        Do a Windows 2008 R1 (x86) VM with 4Go of ram and 2 vCPU (>1.5 Ghz) sufficient ?
        Do you need admin privilege ?

        I can provision this config on our legacy (esxi 3.5) virtualization infrastructure …

        • Hmm I don’t know if I need admin, but I’ll need to install stuff.. Local admin I guess..?

          Outside of 2008, and RDP I don’t need anything else.

          I’ll email you my IP & details…

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