Final Fantasy VII re-released for the PC

Not to shill too hard for it, but it is for sale for 10 euros, or 8 pounds sterling..  I should hope that this 1997 classic should work on modern PCs.. Which has been a pain for anyone whos owned this when it originally came out for the PC.  Although as far as I can tell this doesn’t add anything from the original version … Other than some click to cheat thing but.. There you go.

7 thoughts on “Final Fantasy VII re-released for the PC

    • That is pretty much what I was afraid of. The problem is that FF VII generates too much income because people wound up with this emotional attachment to Aeris, maybe its because she’s a female, or that most people are not used to main characters that die?

      It would be nice if they could update the CGI & even the in game pollys but again it is just too profitable for them to do nothing.

      Oh well I’m sure square will cram another corridor classic down our throats.

    • good grief really??? Its like they have done their best to screw up a really good property… sigh.

      They may as well have made a HTML5 version of it.

    • Its far easier to play on a PS3, where you can buy it online …. Or I bet one of the many PS1 emu’s …..

      Its a shame it was so temperamental.

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