Some Java & Javascript

Well I found this program, Dioscuri quite interesting… It’s a PC emulator written in JAVA!

It’s very interesting in how it’s trying to be accurate hardware wise, although holding down keys tends to cause it to crash…. 😐

Maybe a later version will work, but for what it’s worth, here is the title screen from Battle Tech.


The best game of 1988!

Naturally, any machine with a good JVM ought to be able to run this… But I’ve always found Java to be such a moving target….

Another thing I came across was this fantastic i8080 emulator coded in javascript. And it’s setup to play space invaders!

On Chrome, or Firefox it should perform at a reasonable rate. Internet explorer users are in the cold, as IE doesn’t have a javascript canvas. Sorry. But here is what you are missing out on.

javascript space invaders

Complete with i8080 emulator in Javascirpt!


This is some really neat stuff (to me) anyways.

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