
Frontier Elite


While on the topic of Frontier Elite this week, I was wondering if they by any chance ever released the source code… It appears not, however there were largely two versions the original being in 68000 assembly then a port to 80286 real mode ASM.
But then I found this:
Tom Morton has taken the Atari ST version of Frontier, and removed the hardware access from the assembly, then tweaked a m68k assembler to either output in C or i386 asm… So he’s basically reversed a copy of Frontier to allow it to run natively!
And he’s added OpenGL support to some degree! It’s VERY cool!
At a minimum I bet there are people out there that would LOVE this guys programs to convert m68k assembly listings into either C or i386 asm. Or a chance to hack the ‘source’ like crazy.
I’ve also come across this great site which goes over various algorithms from the game.

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