Unix v7 for the x86!

Ok so this isn’t exactly emulation, since you can already run Unix v7 via simh’s PDP11 emulator, however you cannot overlook the coolness factor of this. They have ported v7 to the i486 cpu.


In other news I’ve done a very preliminary port of the SLiRP stack from Qemu to SIMH. What is cool about this, is that it allows user mode networking so that you do not have to configure any drivers on the host. Currently I have 4.3BSD-Reno running under the MicroVAX II simulator. I’m going to add some extra utilities (gzip/gcc/gnumake/ircii-4/lynx?/wget?/apache?), convert the SMM into PDF’s, and make it into an install package, much like the 4.2BSD on sourceforge.

If anyone want’s to alpha test it, let me know, otherwise the next post will most likely be the release of 4.3BSD-RENO with NAT!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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