v0.2 Beta 1

As promised the MicroVAX II/4.3BSD-RENO package has been completed. You can download it from here:


What’s new in this version?

Well again, usermode networking (SLiRP) from Qemu. A newer OS and emulator to take advantage of it. And pre-built gzip & irc. Yes I know it’s not much but since /usr/local is a seperate disk, I can update it later. I’m hoping to get gcc 1.x running, and *MAYBE* even Apache or Lynx. But I’m not sure at the moment if they’ll build. I’ve been using this build for an irc client and so far no issues.

Here is the install notes:

Welcome to this Beta test of SIM-H 3.7 on Windows with BSD 4.3-Reno

This is the second time I’ve written a NSIS install package
so bear with me.

*Please note that this program is nowhere Vista compliant. The user data is
dumped into the program file directory (bad) so you must run this program elevated
as Administrator! (right click on the program link “RUN 4.3BSD-RENO”, and choose run as Administrator).

You can login as root, there is no passwords. I have setup the installation so that you can preserve
the disk images, or overwrite them by simply re-installing the program. This way anyone can easily recover
from a massive system failure.

On NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista machines I would *HIGHLY* recommend compressing the drive images using NTFS
Compression, as the install takes nearly 2 gigabytes, but using compression it will occupy about 135 Megabytes.

I have included a bunch of the documents in PDF format. Before you give up saying there isn’t enough
documention, you may find there is actually too much. All documentation was converted under OS X (groff -t -ms *> bla.ps;open bla.ps)

I have included an IRC client that will default to chat.taucher.net (a BSD support site), simply pick a name (bob)
And type the following in as root:

irc bob
/join #bsd

From there you will be on the channel. Feel free to say Hi!

The main website is http://sourceforge.net/projects/bsd42/

By default you should install *everything*. The config
file is setup to mount a /home drive separate from the
Operation System. This will allow for a somewhat painless
recovery if you trash the OS.

On uninstalling you will have the option of keeping your
home disk.

I have installed this copy of 4.3BSD-Reno from the Unix Archive.

The emulator is currently setup for a MicroVAX and it includes SLiRP from
the QEMU project. This allows for ‘user mode networking’ and will allow
you to immediately connect to the internet with no overhead.

The following ports are automatically redirected into the emulator:

42323 23
42380 80
42119 119
42666 666
42667 6667

Of all the ports setup, the only daemon I’ve currently tested is telnet. You
can telnet into 4.3BSD-Reno by typing in:

telnet localhost 42323

Or by using the “attach a pty” link from the start menu.

This is the configuration file that I’m using.
set cpu 32m
set cpu idle
att nvr reno.nvram
set rq0 ra81
att rq0 reno.disk
set rq1 ra81
att rq1 usrlocal.disk
set rq2 ra81
att rq2 opt.disk
set rq3 ra81
att rq3 home.disk
set tq tk50
set tq dis
set lpt dis
set ts dis
set rl dis
set cr dis
set ry dis
set dz lines=4
set tti 7b
set tto 7b
att xq bb
load -r ka655.bin
dep bdr 0
boot cpu

By default on windows the console will not handle ascii correctly.
I have enclosed a copy of putty that will connect on the correct port,
the link is the “Attach a PTY”. Just wait for the Operating System
to boot up to the login prompt.

That’s about it!

Feel free to download it, and give me any feed back! Even better join me on IRC!

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