have patience. It does work. Even booting from the SPOCK SCSI CARD which all the other DOS4 images all failed.
The best way for a native build is the zip in the releases.
Release Now can boot from hard disk! ยท neozeed/dos400 (github.com)
With a 16Mhz 80386 it took 70 minutes. I just formatted a blank image on the gotek, copied IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS and COMMAND.COM, then rebooted. went back to the compiled DOS 4, and re-formatted the floppy as a system disk so the attributes are set. (DOS 5 lets you change system files), and yeah. It can be done!
Let me spell out the steps, in this case I’m going to use Windows 10. I use the git from the WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux) I have DOSBox mount c:\dos as my c: drive . ZIP/UNZIP are Info-ZIP versions, you MUST have the Win32 native version!
- md \dos
- md \dos\temp
- wsl git clone https://github.com/microsoft/MS-DOS
- cd MS-DOS\v4.0
- zip -r \dos\temp\src.zip src\*.*
- cd \dos
- unzip -a -LL temp\src.zip
- start dosbox
- cd \src
- edit setenv.bat to reflect the paths:
set BAKROOT=c:
set LIB=%BAKROOT%\src\tools\bld\lib
set INCLUDE=%BAKROOT%\src\tools\bld\inc
set PATH=%PATH%;%BAKROOT%\src\tools
- setenv
- nmake
it will then fail in mapper on getmsg.asm change the 3 chars to a '-'
- nmake
- cd ..
- nmake
It will then fail building select
- edit select2.asm
- edit usa.inf
- nmake
- cd ..
- nmake
and now it’ll be done compiling.
continuing from dosbox, you need a 1.44mb fat formatted disk image somedos144.img . I used a dos 6.22 diskette, it needs the bootsector already in place to load io.sys/msdos.sys
- cd \src
- md bin
- cpy bin
- imgmount a somedos144.img -t floppy
- a:
- del *.*
- copy c:\src\bin\io.sys
- copy c:\src\bin\msdos.sys
- copy c:\src\bin\http://command.com
- boot -l a:
And now I’ve booted MS-DOS 4.00 from within DOBOX!

Also as interest to most people there is a bug in msload.asm, where DOS 4.0 won’t boot on a lot of machines, from VMware, Qemu and even my PS/2. It’s a small fix to the IO.SYS initial stack being too small. Props to Michal Necasek for the fix!
For further guidance here is a video spelling it all out:
Is it really Microsoft’s love affair with Linux? All that remains is to make the Windows source code available soon, and the Linux desktop may cease to exist. This seems like an old “if you can’t beat your enemy, join him” tactic.
Also this can be modified for lba FAT32 and even hma and umb support and the usual things to ger more convencional memory
That would be nice! Though it would require heavy understanding of both PC hardware and of how the MS-DOS kernel itself works on a the deepest of levels so don’t expect it tomorrow.
Not tomorrow , but if there is the source code under some similar license to gpl or compatible with it , is expected(or maybe not) there is no much in the dos to be expected to be developed
There is no source code for HIMEM.SYS is the only unique beat is missing from this source code i think.
It’s _out_ there as part of the specification disk, but hasn’t been relicensed.
DOSSHELL is also missing.
I thought it was well known, but I’d added it to github a while back
So, is the person working in the IT field so POOR that we should tolerate those shitty annoying AD-s here???
Yes. Layoffs are a bitch. Thanks for being very understanding that things cost money.
Neozeed i was viewing your GitHub and you have himem.sys sources. Can you add It to dos 4.0 source code in order to compile the complete set for dos40? I know it’s missing dosshell but at least IS far more complete with the bit missing of himem.sys.
GW basic too.
I’d pulled in some stuff as sub modules here
I was waiting to see if the zips could be made available of the source before really starting to mess with stuff.
Requesting that to Microsoft and IBM?
I think there was no problem at all. As i was thinking why IBM did not release sources for OS/2.
That was an is a shame.
I think there may be hope now, as DOS 4 did require IBM signoff, and Microsoft got it. I don’t think anyone who had so much animosity about OS/2 is still alive or anywhere near IBM these days.
You are forgetting that OS/2 is still a commercial product and people pay good money for: https://www.arcanoae.com/product-category/an-products/
MS DOS was abandoned for almost two decades before they released some early sources.
I’m not forgetting I just don’t have anything for OS/2 that 2.0 can’t run. The one time I watched someone go on about arcanoae they were still using Windows 3.1 stuff on bare metal which kind of loses the plot for me.
An upgrade path for the Deutschebahn?
Jokes aside the main advantage of Arcanoae is probably the ability to run these old Windows 3.x and OS/2 apps on UEFI-only hardware without CSM module.
I wonder if FreeDOS supports that and how complicated would it be to make Windows 3.11 apps to run on these without Arcanoae.
I can’t imagine a scenario where vmware/hyper-v/kvm wouldn’t suffice. Even when it was ‘current’ NT 4 terminal server is how I delt with needing to run Win16 stuff, as you could detach it and let it run in the background.
They are going to drop real/286/v86 modes soon enough anyways, so it’ll all be moot.
MS just dropped the sources for GW-BASIC at https://github.com/microsoft/GW-BASIC
Microsoft just dropped the sources for GW-BASIC at https://github.com/microsoft/GW-BASIC
It’s from several years ago (4?).
Anyways what you want is this one:
Which is updated to work