Knights of the Old Republic PowerPC

I just scored a G5 iMac for £20 with a damaged panel. It doesn’t bother me at all as I’m not going to use it for anything serious, I’m just wanting something mainstream.

I did want one thing which was KOTOR.

So I looked up eBay, and yeah turns out it’s a collectors thing?

£147!! No way!

I saw this for far less, the Star Wars Mac Pack!

vBut at the flip side had this ominous warning….

Intel only

I thought I’d just try the disc anyway.. nothing to lose?


and yeah, not only is KOTOR is PPC, but yes it does run on OS X 10.4!


granted it’s on steam, gog and of course available for pretty much anything modern. And sure yeah, it was originally PC/Xbox, but for some odd reason I’m feeling nostalgic for that last gen PPC.

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