It was everything I had hoped it to be. I paid extra for a 3d printed mounting bracket and the cute led display.
I had one adf handy to test, Captain Blood, a nice pirated version so the weird encoding wouldn’t be an issue.
It was kind of nice watching it boot up, although as slow as I remember a mechanical drive being. But at the same time nice not using 30 year old media.
I have a few more upgrades on the way to deck out my 600, although I need to do some kind of RGB thing as the composite video has so much noise it’s unreal.
Anyway despite the old flame war on floppy emulation, the Goteks are dirt cheap, and. Hell if it’ll work in an Amiga, it’ll work anywhere.
Welcome to the club!
Apparently the older ones were pretty terrible, but thanks to everyone else for making it a better experience! I formatted my 8gb stick as fat32, copied the ADF over, plopped it in, and turned on my Amiga, and away it went!
There’s also this firmware https://github.com/keirf/FlashFloppy with a wide range of different formats.
sweet! I’ll just have to get some more Gotek’s and replace all the floppy drives… although I don’t have all that much around these days.
Captain Blood : A great game. I had it on my old Atari ST

Ere Infomatique (the French Studio behind Captain Blood) was a great studio : Captain blood but also Teenage Queen (very interesting Strip oker) and Bubble Ghost : All game from my youngest years
Exxos / ERE Informatique produced some.. interesting titles, but I mostly knew them for Captain Blood, and Purple Saturn Day.
Commander Blood was a surprising thing to find, as I didn’t expect to find a sequel, but I haven’t managed to find a copy of Big Bug Bang yet.
I played Blood too much as a kid, I still remember most of the glyphs.
I chased down the following versions of Captain Blood:
Atari ST
Commodore 64
Spectrum ZX
Thomson MO6
but do they emulate floppy drive reading sound
they could just put a stepper motor in and rotate it around I am not sure how would they reproduce the sound accurately but this is one thing that I prefer floppy drives for
But I was always wondering can you make your own 3.5 inch floppy disk (as it has harder plastic), maybe 3D print a case and coat a circle and put everything together