This fun patch allows bigger hard disks, allowing you to run larger OS’s like QNX!
You don’t have to update the emulator, it’s just for the BIOS. Source is here: Over on github.

8086 Tiny on Windows with ansicon to render the textmode correctly.
Seeing the QNX logo sure has some flashbacks to the Burroughs/Unisys Icon from days of old. Although it has no relationship to the Waterloo Icon, some housing complex for students.
Not having heard of 8086tiny, I went to the GitHub. the title mentions an official website:
Someone needs to tell “retrohun”–sorry, “adriancable”–that the website has expired.
Yeah I’ve always had to use the version of it. Shame it kind of disappeared. At least the source is still with us.
“At least the source is still with us.” – palpatin
Use the source, Luke! 🙂
QNX 2 fun is ongoing:
I wonder if pc/ix, xenix8086 or venix/86 preinstalled hard disk images can be run in 8086tiny from now?