I was kindly sent these a while ago from an avid reader, and I tried to get them to boot up into anything useful and didn’t get anywhere. I’m sure emulators of today are probably up to task, be it Bochs/PCem/86Box or even Qemu.
So they are now up on archive where I also found version 4 up there so I may as well flesh out the collection.
Great! thanks!
Oh i should upload my archive too.
Didn’t know there was 1.1 on CD.
I can boot 1.1; i did make that 1.1 build for you after all. 😉
@Madeline do you have 5.0 or 5.1? Does ANYONE? I am especially interested in their ipfw implementation
Has anyone been able to get 2.0 to run on Bochs (or other emulator)?