Hacking Flight Simulator 4 for multiple monitors

This has to be one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a long time.

Long story short, Wayne was able to exploit a ‘feature’ of older non random address location where a machine is configured the same way will always load the same program in the same address space.  Using this knowledge he was able to work out in memory where the location of the plane was kept in memory.  Adding a ‘server’ and two ‘client’ versions of DOSBox he could then transmit the location of the plane to the two other DOSBox client’s and then just set their viewports to left & right, and now he has an immersive simulation.

It’s a great read here: on tinmith.net

And this also is why ASLR is so important on internet connected devices, and servers where you don’t want to have known addresses in RAM where you can find important ‘protected’ data structures.

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