Sega Genesis/Mega Drive emulation got a massive overhaul on steam

And I don’t just mean supporting ROM hacks, and mods, I mean this is what the new Genesis & Mega Drive Classics UI looks like:

SEGA themed bedroom

SEGA themed bedroom

First off as you can see, it’s a room.  The kind of place any SEGA nerd of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s would of course dream to own, with wall posters, sonic rug, eco toys, and of course a nice library of games and a tube TV set.

Instead of the old boring menu, you now get to choose titles off the shelf, and it’ll automatically drop them into the console.  Maybe we will get manuals rendered next?

Chose a game

Chose a game

While it is dark, it does offer a ‘time of day’ so you can watch the procession of the virtual sun in your bedroom.  I guess it speaks that we don’t get to go outdoors enough, but now we can be trapped into a virtual bedroom as well.  With our game selected, we can turn up the curvature of the tube, or even enable scanlines for that old feel..

Alien Storm

Alien Storm

The emulator is VERY demanding, there is no mistake about that.  While the classical interface was unique for the time, but it also had issues like making you scroll one at a time through the games.  As always you can buy this on steam.  A nice touch is the latest update adds in many controllers and pads.

So what is missing? The MegaCD.  The 32x.  Saturn, Dreamcat heck even the master system are suspiciously absent.  One day I suppose.  Will this hub turn into something that 3rd parties can release Genesis/Mega Drive titles onto?  Is this the start of the virtual console?

Or just a flashy UI.  I guess time will tell.

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