19 thoughts on “Activate 4 extra fault tolerant cores in XEON 54xx series!

  1. @calvin:

    When compressing the C: drive, a “Failsafe.drv” directory is created on the uncompressed part which presumably contains this minimal Windows 3.1 installation and DriveSpace itself.

    • Sorry, been flat out this weekend so haven’t had a chance to muck around with the VM again.

      @Christian is absolutely correct about the FAILSAFE.DRV folder which is created. It has (as far as I can tell) the same minimal Win 3.1 instance that the Windows 95 setup program uses, plus a 16-bit version of DriveSpace and Scan Disk (curious as to why MS chose to use the Character Mode scan disk in Windows for unsafe shutdowns when they had this…).

      Years and years ago I did some playing around with the minimal DOSX from the Windows 95 setup and found it fairly interesting. With the right libraries you can certainly make a fairly minimal Windows 3.1 deployment, and run basically any application you like. It starts up very quickly too. I really must have another play with it sometime…

      • I’ve modified the copied the FAILSAFE.DRV directory and set SYSTEM.INI to boot Ski Free. A copy can be downloaded from: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Z23kbbiG5JZk9zWWphZ3puVWM/view?usp=sharing

        I’m pretty sure it used the same mini run-time that was used for the Windows 95 installation (MINI.CAB), so it’s likely of little use for most people. Very little will run on it (no shell.dll, etc), but could probably boot your Zork port!

        • And Windows 3.0 and 3.1 to some degree. As they install the bulk of themselves

          But sure, just as that ‘demo’ version of 3.0 I found can happily run Zork, they could run as there is no real DLL dependancy needed. Another cool thing about QuickC for Windows.

  2. @Peter Godwin:

    Excuse me for kind of “hijacking” the comment area, but your screenshots suggest you’re using a high-density display – if so, would you mind telling me which one it is (size, resolution)?

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