As part of DOOM’s 21st birthday, John Romero releases some unused ART

It’s on his twitter account.

Some of my favorites:

This pic was taken for an interview in 1994 while making DOOM II. Jay, Adrian, Bobby, Kevin, John, me in front.

This pic was taken for an interview in 1994 while making DOOM II. Jay, Adrian, Bobby, Kevin, John, me in front.

This original DOOM II box cover was painted by Julie Bell. The Cyberdemon didn't look right so we switched to BROM

This original DOOM II box cover was painted by Julie Bell. The Cyberdemon didn’t look right so we switched to BROM

Here are Adrian's scans from his sketchbook for various screens, pre-pixel edit

Here are Adrian’s scans from his sketchbook for various screens, pre-pixel edit

I would normally link to the jdsobox stuff so you can check out Doom in a browser, but Oracle has successfully screwed up Java so badly that it’s a nightmare to get any 3rd party applets to run.

I suppose as a consolation there is a javascript version of DOSBox, jsdosbox.

Jsdosbox with DOOM

Jsdosbox with DOOM

And it has DOOM!

3 thoughts on “As part of DOOM’s 21st birthday, John Romero releases some unused ART

    • In boon.js I see this:

      new DataRequest(0, 281020, 0, 0).open(‘GET’, ‘/prboom.wad’);
      new DataRequest(281020, 17940848, 0, 0).open(‘GET’, ‘/doom.wad’);

      So I imagine if you scoop all the resources it should be easy enough to get it to load up the original WADs.

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