After reading about the Blake Stone compile fixes, as it was a Wolf3d port, I came across a post on the forum Wolf3d Haven about trying to find the source code to something called wolf4gw. Now wolf4gw is a port of the Borland C source of Wolfenstein 3d to Open Watcom C++‘s 32bit MS-DOS extender DOS/4GW, done by ‘ripper’.
The project eventually gave way to wolf4sdl, and as they say the rest is history.
Sadly, it seems that just about all the source copies of wolf4gw were lost, except I did manage to find an ‘improved’ version simply referred to as wolf3dx. From the blurb:
Tricob has released the Wolf4GW-based source code of WolfDX. Included is a text file called (Tricob).TXT.
I have been using Watcom 10.0 for Duke Nukem 3d, however, this version relies on the _asm inline assembler which was introduced in Watcom 11. However, Watcom 11c had issues with some of the assembly forcing me to go even further to OpenWatcom 1.3. For me the install was easy, I used CrossOver to install OpenWatcom for DOS-DOS32bit only, copied the compiler into DOSBox, and played mostly with the makefiles, and finally got a working exe!
I know it may not look like much, but really it is running in 32bit protected mode!
Since all of this is open/freeware/shareware I can redistribute OpenWatcom, the source to wolf3dx, and the shareware levels of Wolfenstein. Naturally I’m using DOSBox to compile and test, but you can use anything that can run MS-DOS 32bit stuff.
Download my archive here.
Very cool! Unless the build process is really strange, it should be possible to build the binary on Windows or possibly even Linux natively.
And a nit-pick… it’s spelled “DOS/4GW”, not “DOS4G/W”. The full product was called DOS/4G, it’s predecessor was DOS/16M (of Lotus 1-2-3 R3.0 fame).
I’m sure it can even cross build from OS/2.. Watcom was pretty cool with things like that.
It is interesting to me that not only is Tenberry still in existence, but they still sell DOS extenders. I guess someone must still buy them? Although Phar Lap seems to have been absorbed and phased out.
I believe Tenberry has some aerospace industry customers… there it’s all about certified tools and being a known quantity. New/shiny/cool doesn’t count.
There is also probably enough need for embedded systems which need very little from an OS and are 99% custom development. For those, using Linux or Embedded XP instead of DOS isn’t a win.
And yes, in general if you can build something with (Open) Watcom on one host platform, you can build it on the others, too.
DPMI into the stratosphere & beyond… now that is. … scary. and sad, it should have been OS/2’s domain.
But there is a lot to be said for magical ‘IJW’ when it comes to old/existing systems.
.. and it’s Wolfenstein, not Wolfenstien 😉
I was able to find some of the source files:
But I need the rest as well to compile SoD DOS/4GW.
Is there a reason that the makefile compiles Wolf3dx with debugging and no optimisations enabled?
if Optimizations are enabled, it will hang the system upon exit. I haven’t even checked out why. You can remove debugging safely though.
when I just drop these ‘fixed’ files in place I get a red split up screen, and good locks/crashes…. not exactly 100% 🙁
Yes, I found it!!
Compiling is possible with OpenWatcom 1.8 using the Makefile from WolfDX.
But you need to rename Gamepal3d.cpp to Gamepal3.cpp.
For compiling for Spear of Destiny you have to change defines in wl_def.h.
I will try other compiler options tomorrow. Btw I patch the file with DOS/32A, can I compile directly for it?
Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny complied with OpenWatcom 1.8 with Optimisation (-ox) and DOS32/A 9.1.2
Cool, I went ahead and added in the source from and set wolf4gw as the default build, but I left in wolfdx for the heck of it.
thanks again!
While I’m nit-picking… it’s spelled “Wolfenstein”, not “Wolfenstien” 🙂
Yeah I never could spell it right, then worse it gets entered into my user dictionary spelt wrong and… well here we are 😉
I’m sure I don’t need to point out that the correct spelling is right there in the screenshot as a possible aid 😉
But where is the fun in that?
Who cares, the fun is in virtualization 😀
Browsing through old backups I’ve found an older wolf4gw source copy, named I’ve uploaded it on gdrive, just in case.
Wow, awesome! Thanks for letting me know! I mirrored it
I’ve found also the first release of wolf4SDL’s source code, don’t know if its availabe elsewhere, All those files vanished even at
I can’t imagine why, but even when I wrote this, I spent a considerable amount of time until I found something.
I don’t know why… But no point in losing it to the winds of time.
If you put up a depot or repository let me know
Ok, I’ve uploaded it on gdrive.