The blog will be on hiatus for a bit…

Personal issues have intervened with pretty much everything. This morning, I packed as much as I could into three suitcases, bought a one-way ticket, and I’m leaving my ‘home’ behind.

While in the past I’ve taken a few months off here & there I’ve done my best the last two years to get in an update of something at least 2x a week, if not more.

However, I don’t feel that I am in any position to do so now, I don’t even have a proper place to live so the next while will be .. interesting to say the least.

If things get too crazy I’ll wind up archiving this thing in Egypt and I don’t know from there…

But at the same time, who knows the future isn’t written.

there is not fate, but what we make.

19 thoughts on “The blog will be on hiatus for a bit…

    • well with any luck this will only be a couple weeks… depending on how long it takes me to find a place, get a connection and get into a writing mood… then again im writing this much so maybe its just me overreacting.

      But make no mistake, feedback helps keep the beast alive!

  1. Thanks for all the articles! They really stand out on what you find else about this topic. I really hope to read more of them.

    Best wishes and safe travels!


  2. I sense so much misery behind this … because I seem to be in a similar situation … your wise words are a kind of consolation to me …

    • I dont know what to say other than life goes on.. sure things suck now, but you know the old jib/jab chin up and just don’t look down (its all turtles), gotta look for that tradewind to pull you out….

  3. Wow, so sorry to hear this. Like the others, I hope that we will continue to hear from you and I thank you for your many entertaining, helpful and informative posts and downloads.

    I wish you the very best of luck, happiness and safety in your travels, wherever they may take you, and look forward to more news and posts from you as soon as you are settled.

  4. good luck with your ‘new life’, i hope everything comes out well for you. don’t forget about this blog, it’s one of the best on the internet.

  5. Wow! I never post comments, but I check your blog every now and then, and I get fun from it! Hope you get settled, and get everything back on rails soon!

  6. I’ve recently secured an apartment, so it seems I may have some semblance of a life soon.

    Maybe I was being a bit alarmist, I don’t know but it’s been 16 days since everything went to hell, so maybe it was warranted. All being well it’ll be normalish again for May. Just don’t ask me post August, it may be time for another breakdown 🙁

    Thanks for all the comments, you guys made the difference in keeping it going!

  7. Even in a hiatus I couldn’t stay away. DSL should be in my new place on Wednesday so it’ll be business as usual. thanks again for all the support!

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